Agenda item

Wraysbury Railway Bridge - Installation of a Footpath



Cabinet considered the recommended design option to install a footpath over the Wraysbury railway bridge and the detailed cost estimate and proposes that the approved capital programme (2016/17) be increased by £135,000 to deliver the project.

Henry Perez, Lead Petitioner, addressed Cabinet. Mr Perez explained that on 23 February 2016 he and his fellow lead petitioner had addressed the Cabinet regarding the proposal for safety at Wraysbury Railway Station Bridge and had been delighted when the Cabinet unanimously agreed to it and stated that they would get the project costed. The lead petitioners had not been sure if they needed to attend and address Cabinet again, however they were, like the residents, passionate about the proposal and felt it only right that they should attend and assist the Cabinet with some background facts regarding the proposal.

In December 2014 a Facebook site namely Wraysbury Speed Watch had been set up with the objective being to enhance road safety in the village. Members were invited to identify areas in the village that gave them concerns about road safety. Wraysbury Railway Station Bridge topped their list.

It had been quickly discovered that for over 20 years residents had expressed safety concerns regarding access over the bridge. During this period the population had increased and in the same period the number of passengers using the station had increased from 36,575 in 2003/4 to a staggering 112,004 in 2014/15.

Four meetings had been set up with Network Rail, South West Trains and RBWM. Councillor Margaret Lenton, Chair of Wraysbury Parish Council and Borough Councillor John Lenton were invited to attend the meetings. In addition to some £600,000 spent on redevelopment at the station by South West Trains, RBWM came up with the proposal under discussion.

In December 2015 a petition ran for one month which stated, 'To provide immediate funding to enable work to commence at the earliest opportunity, within this financial year on the agreed road safety proposal for the bridge'. The petition was signed by some 2,800 persons including all the councillors on both Horton and Wraysbury Parish Councils.

On 1st February 2016 year the Highways, Transport and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel strongly recommended funding from this year’s budget. On 11 February 2016 the Budget Committee gave warm words of support from the then Lead Member of Finance, then again Mr Perez addressed Cabinet on 23 February 2016. 

The proposal had now been costed and was approximately £50,000 over the estimated costs. A contractor has been chosen and work could commence in October 2016 and be completed in November 2016. Earlier in the week Mr Perez had addressed the Highways Overview and Scrutiny Panel and once again they had unanimously agreed to the proposal. The timescale fitted ideally to the current needs of everyone that used the bridge as it was considered that not only did it fall short on current good practice guidelines in respect of access for people with disabilities, but that it contravened the Highway Code’s guidelines for pedestrians and was therefore unsafe and not fit for purpose for pedestrian traffic making it a big health and safety issue.    

Mr Perez quoted a resident, Harriet Comes: 'I often have to run across with my two year old in his pushchair as fast as I can. If it is dark I shine my phone torch so that drivers have more chance of seeing me and I keep glancing backwards as I make a dash for the safety of the pavement at the other end.'

Mr Perez asked that Cabinet would again give favourable consideration to the proposal so that he could convey good news to the residents who have patiently waited over 20 years.

The Lead Member thanked the Lead Petitioners who had spent much time on the issue. He highlighted that the cost had increased to £135,000, but the safety of the community was the priority. He commented that the council was in the main moving to fixed price works. He highlighted the support given by the Highways, Transport & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


Councillor Beer commented that he had raised concerns at the O&S meeting about the long drop by the fence. Mr Perez confirmed that Councillor Beer had raised the concern but the Head of Highways had assured the Panel that the contractor was reputable and would not leave any dangerous problems. The Lead Member commented that he was confident the officers had the issue in hand but he would be happy to discuss the issue with Councillor Beer outside of the meeting if necessary.


i.       Approves the scheme set out in Appendix A to install a new footway over the bridge at Wraysbury Station be approved for implementation;


ii.      Approves an increase to the capital programme (2016/17) of £135,000 to deliver this project.

Supporting documents: