Agenda item

2015-16 Annual Governance Statement

To consider the report.


The Panel considered the report and was asked to approve the content and recommend the 2015/16 AGS to the Leader and Head of Paid Service for signature and to be presented with the Annual Statement of Accounts.


The Panel was informed that there were a few typing errors, such as the Lead Member’s name needing to be changed to Cllr Targowska;  the amendments would be made before the statement was signed.


Previously the Council had followed what was the CIPFA/SOLACE Joint Working Group issued ‘Delivering Good Governance in Local Government: Framework’.  For this version it had been decided to follow the approach adopted by Wokingham Borough Council as this was more streamlined and less bureaucratic.


The Headlines of the draft 2015/16 AGS had been added at paragraph 2.7 of the covering report at the request of Cllr Smith to help ensure the document was more ‘Lean’.  The Chairman reported that the document he approved the new approach and that the document was to escalate issues up rather than an assurance document. 


Cllr Story raised concern that in the action plan there were two issues rolled over from 2014/15.  The Panel was informed that progress had been made but not to the extent that they should be reported as completed.  The Chairman said it was good to see openness in reporting areas that required improvement.


Cllr E Wilson asked for clarification regarding the whistle blowing policy in the action plan and was informed that this was an area looked at and there was training for senior managers so staff were aware of the policy and how to raise concerns without retribution.  In response to further questions the Panel was informed that the number of whistle blowing incidents was low; however there were grievances raised and it helped demonstrate that the staff seemed confident in raising issues.


Cllr E Wilson mentioned that the Fair Funding campaign by residents regarding the allocation of S106 money and the Stafferton Way project had raised governance issues but they were not in the action plan.  The Chairman mentioned that with regards to school funding this had gone to full Council and there had been investigations made after complaints were received about councillors, so there had been transparency.  If the issues were about the Council not following the correct procedure then they would be in this document but if complaints were about what the administration approved they would not. 


Cllr Jones mentioned that the issues regarding Holyport College was a wider issue regarding transparency with the allocation of S106 funding.  The Panel was informed that reports regarding the allocation of S106 funding went to cabinet and Council and this issue was not related to governance that was covered by the report. 


Cllr E Wilson and Cllr Dr Evans both mentioned that the document was not just assuring ourselves but also residents and as the S106 concern had been made by residents they felt it should be in the action plan and that there should be mention of S106 in the covering report.  The Panel was informed that both incidents had been subject to in-depth reviews.


The Panel felt that the issue around the allocation of S106 funding should be added to the covering report but not as an ‘issue’ but as ‘Governance action taken’.  Although the Panel approved the amendment the Chairman was not in support but did say that when added reference should be made to the governance action taken.


Resolved that: The Panel:


·         Considered the draft 2015/16 AGS and approved amendments to be made to the covering report;

·         Recommend the 2015/16 AGS to the Leader and Managing Director for signature and publication with the Council’s Statement of Accounts;

·         Note the revisions that have been made to the Council’s Annual Governance processes for 2015/16 compared to previous years.


Supporting documents: