Agenda item

Transformation Programme

To consider the update.


The Panel considered the report that provided an update on the work being undertaken in meeting the ‘Right People and Tools’ strand of the Transformation Plan.


To deliver a comprehensive programme that secures the right people and tools within the organisation the Learning and Development function of  the council was centralised and the report focused on the work undertaken by this new team.


The Panel were informed that the team had worked to reduce duplication of effort and place a greater focus on the development and use of alternative learning methods, such as eLearning. Some key activities which have been undertaken included:


·         Undertaking a training needs analysis.

·         Development of a council wide training programme aligned to the strategic

priorities and the transformation strategy.

·         Increasing the skill set of front line managers through, appraisal training and

sickness absence management.

·         Development of the workforce leadership knowledge, skill and ability.

·         Development of the Senior Leadership Team.


Additional support had also been provided for line managers with courses being run by HR on:


·         Absence management.

·         Performance management.

·         Recruitment.


The Panel were also informed that a ‘People Action Plan’ had been developed that allowed all actions within HR to be tracked; a copy of the plan was attached as an appendix. The Plan included 42 actions that were key to delivering HR priorities and focused on the results of the 2016 staff survey, the Well Being Strategy and the Organisation Development Strategy.


The budget for 2016/17 to deliver the training identified from the training

needs analysis was £384,300, equating to £369 per FTE, the previous year it was £590,840.  This showed the efficiencies identified by reducing duplication and introducing different ways of learning, flexibility had also been introduced to the budget to meet arising needs.


Cllr Jones mentioned that the report highlighted training to be given to help managers through the transformation programme but the IPMR showed that turnover was high and that there was uncertainty in certain service areas and thus skills were required now, it was questioned if we were not addressing the problems quick enough. The Panel were informed that turnover was effected by many factors and not just organisation change, our location meant that the borough often had to compete with London authorities who could offer better pay packages.  With regards to change any high performing organisation would be in constant change and there had already been training in place.


Cllr Jones raised concern that some offers were leaving due to the uncertainty in place due to the level of change and recommended that this Panel should review HR data regarding turnover with analysis being split by Directorate.  It was agreed that the information would be circulated to the Panel and Cllr Smith also requested that data on leaver be split on pay bands.


Cllr Dr Evans mentioned that the programme seemed to be focused on senior leaders and was informed that training was provided across the organisation but there had been additional focus given to senior management focusing on transformation.


Cllr Dr Evans also questioned why when looking at the financial impact on the budget by service areas spend per FTE varied so much, for example spend in Information Technology Services seemed very high whilst areas such as Governance, Partnerships, Performance and Policy seemed low.  The Panel were informed that in certain areas such as planning there was a need for professional qualifications; however it had already been agreed to review the level of spend on ICT training.


Cllr Dr Evans mentioned that she was concerned that there were gaps in skills in certain areas and that any staff looking at the difference in spend across directorates could find it demoralising.  She also raised that stress management had been highlighted as an issue in the last two staff surveys but this did not seem to be addressed equally across the organisation.  


Cllr Dr Evans also asked if there were any prioritisation on the action plan and was informed that they were looking at the staff survey and prioritising actions there had also been workshops undertaken at a directorate level and ‘champions’ to provide feedback. With regards to training the Panel were informed that there had been budget allocated to specific training but outside this there was also a range of corporate training.


It was asked if there was any evaluation on the effectiveness of the courses and the Panel were informed that this was undertaken in three stages by reviewing evaluation sheets, assessing line management values / changes and reviewing complaints. There was also assessment of the staff survey.


The Chairman mentioned that the report said the team had reduced duplication and looked at alternative learning methods and asked for examples.  The Panel were informed that this had been achieved by centralising training, reviewing ICT training and introducing a more joined up approach for social care training.  Officers would add the number of training days to future reports.


The Chairman also mentioned that on page 9, paragraph 2.17 regarding Royal Borough leadership principles that this looked like a new document.  The Panel were informed that it was due to be shared with the senior leadership team and was going to Employment Panel; it was agreed that a copy be circulated to this Panel.


With regards to the 80 on demand coaching sessions for senior leaders the Chairman asked how this worked and was informed that managers could book 30 minute on line 1:1 sessions with consultants to coach them through change and their leadership role. 


The Chairman mentioned that on page 6 under leadership potential it mentioned that leadership potential had been evaluated but only one individual had been offered the opportunity to get an accredited qualification.  The Panel were informed that this had been offered to a manager who had been identified to step into a head of service role and the training cost was subject to a retention agreement.


The Panel were also informed that in areas / posts were it was difficult to recruit to the authority were looking at ‘grow your own’ with the first group of officers being brought together to be involved in designing the course. The Chairman mentioned that were mentoring was to be used there were cultural barriers that needed to be overcome such as trust from both sides of the process. Cllr Dr Evans mentioned that mentoring should be done across directorate and be removed from performance evaluations.


It was recommended that under Key Implications that these could be aligned to the 42 measures in the action plan, that due dates should be added to the actions and that under Equipped for the Future (page 4) that ‘in our sector’ be removed from employer of choice.


The Chairman mentioned that moving forward there could be feedback from staff with regards to changing behaviour due to training and that there should be no barriers to exploiting new skills and staff should be encouraged to bring new ideas forward.


Resolved unanimously: that the Panel note the work done under the Transformation Programme for ‘right people and tools’.

Supporting documents: