Agenda item

Transformation Programme, Right People, Right Tools - Learning and Development

To consider the above report


Members considered an update on the work to date under the Transformation programme ‘Right People, Right Tools’. It was noted that a detailed, comprehensive training needs analysis (TNA) had been undertaken across the council, linked to development needs that had been identified through the appraisal process and by service areas. A training calendar of events had been compiled that linked to strategic priorities. Members were also able to view the calendar and book themselves on courses. Mandatory courses had been held to improve the skills of frontline managers, for example in the areas of sickness absence, performance management and the appraisal process. There had been an increased focus on e-learning as an alternative development method. All new managers were now required to attend an induction course for managers.  The principles of leadership development had been discussed with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) on 20 September 2016. On demand coaching would be available from 1 October 2016 to support the SLT and equip them to support their teams through the upcoming significant periods of change.


As part of the People Action Plan, 42 actions had been identified, linked to the results of the staff survey, the Organisational Development strategy and the Wellbeing strategy. The next stage was to prioritise the actions.


Members noted that the overall budget for 2016/17 to deliver both statutory and discretionary training identified in the TNA was £384,300, which equated to £369 per FTE. This compared to £590,840 (£548 per FTE) coded to learning and development in 2015/16.


The next steps for the team were to undertake the next TNA with service managers, further develop course delivery methods, and to continue to review e-learning as an alternative delivery method.


Councillor Quick commented that the progress was excellent and would make a difference to the workforce.  It was confirmed that partner organisations were able to and were encouraged to take up courses; this occurred most often in the area of adult services. Training events were repeated throughout the year to ensure all could attend. Overall 234 courses were scheduled to be delivered this year. The Managing Director commented that in the future the way learning and development was presented may need to change as a result of services being ‘delivered differently’. Some parts of the programme would have to be disengaged and resources put into partner organisations. Councillor Jones expressed concern that skills may be lost as services were transferred. The Managing Director agreed that officers with skills would be transferring to new organisations; however she highlighted that the local authority would remain a shareholder in the new organisation, therefore this would be a different relationship than if staff were transferring to a solely independent organisation. Staff would still be located in the town hall and other council buildings, and working with staff still employed by the local authority. An analysis of spending without the statutory requirements for Children and Adult services had not been undertaken, but could be if required.


It was confirmed that currently staff were required to undertake yearly mandatory training on security; from January 2017 a wider programme of mandatory training would be introduced.  All new starters were made aware of the council’s strategic priorities and manifesto commitments through induction training. Existing staff should have been cascaded information by their Departmental Management Teams on the launch of the council’s Strategic Plan. E-learning options were being explored for further training, particularly adult social care.


Training on Mental Health first aid would be mandatory for managers and courses launched by January 2017. Councillor Carroll commented that the programme was excellent, and welcomed the opportunity for mental health training.


Members noted that the SLT had discussed the previous day how to define, identify and retain ‘rising stars’. Ideas including secondments, additional work as Change Agents and Champions, and mentoring by senior staff, would be pulled together in a council-wide strategy which would be brought to the panel for approval.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Employment Panel notes the work to date under the transformation programme – right people and tools.

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