Agenda item

Update from the Twining Committee

A presentation from Kevin McGarry, Twining Committee.


Kevin McGarry, Twining Committee and his colleagues, David Maskell and Vivien Williams, gave a presentation. Kevin McGarry discussed the partnership history, the aims and benefits of international partnerships, the twinning activities, the funding and the future programme.


The Chairman asked if it was clearly stated in the proposal, where the Twining Committee were and where they wanted to get to, including the financial shortfall.


Kevin McGarry and David Maskell explained that this was an ideal time for the borough to decide which partnerships to agree on and to learn from best practice from the twin towns. The borough could now decide on what and where the budget was spent. The budget for the Twining Committee was £10K in 1994 and was the same today, whereas costs had gone up significantly. The committee members suggested using other budgets for some costs leaving more funds for the actual twin towns projects.


The Chairman confirmed that the borough would consider the Twining Committee request for the RBWM to take back oversight and management of the Twining Activity with the support from the experts.


Councillor Grey expressed his gratitude and thanks to the committee members. Councillor Grey explained that he was exposed to the work of the Twining Committee when he was Mayor. These were important functions for the Royal borough and the Mayor’s function was a large one. Councillor Grey asked if current members were happy to carry on providing their services and expertise.


Councillor Diment expressed that the value for this work was very high, especially in the current times. However she was concerned that as a resident she had never heard or seen anything to do with twinning and had never seen a newsletter. Councillor Diment suggested that going forward it would be worthwhile seeking to work with each and every resident. Councillor Diment also asked if reports were written by the young people who went to the Twin Towns games and was advised that they did and these were published in the newsletters.


Councillor McWilliams asked about the income, other than the funding from RBWM, was there any other funding. The Committee members advised that in line with the constitution, they were totally reliant on RBWM. Any adult going on a trip would finance themselves and any youngsters would pay up to £100.


Councillor Mrs Rayner thanked the Twining Committee Members and Helen Preedy. Many children had benefited. Councillor Mrs Rayner was supporting Kevin McGarry in the motion that the Twinning Committee request for the responsibility for Twining Activity to come back to the borough.


Councillor Grey highlighted that it was essential to have a transition period where the knowledge and experience, assistance and expertise was on hand. The Twining Committee members confirmed they were happy to assist in a restructuring and rebranding exercise. The new ‘brand’ would need to have a higher profile, be proactive, recruit residents, have an outward facing focus, target clubs and continue to work with the Mayor.


Members unanimously supported the dialogue to build on plans that have been put forward. Motion put forward by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Grey.

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