Agenda item

Council Performance Management Framework Quarter 2 2016/17

To comment on the Cabinet report.


The Panel considered the Cabinet report regarding the Council Performance Management Framework for quarter 2 reporting. 


The Panel were informed that a new format had been introduced to streamline and be more focussed on highlighting strategic priorities. Changes in data collection also ensured qualitative analysis and benchmarking. The infographics was added as a new section and the report had been designed to provide business intelligence to aid better service delivery for our residents.


The tables at paragraphs 2.12 and 2.13 showed performance of KPI’s by directorate and by lead member / principal members.  Appendix A of the report details current performance and gave commentary on those targets that were not being met or where they were new KPI’s where data was not currently available.


(Cllr McWilliams joined the meeting)


Cllr Dudley asked how performance was disseminated and improved and was informed that it was recommended that the Policy Team, Lead Member and officers meet when a KPI is off target with improvement plans being put in place.  Performance was also a standing item on lead Member briefings and performance was part of staff appraisals. Cllr Dudley recommended that when an indicator was off target and a service improvement plan was in place that these be added to the RBWM website after Cabinet.


Cllr Jones mentioned that she had not seen any of the service improvement plans at scrutiny meetings.


The Panel were informed that there were a couple of measures relating to the quality of care homes and schools ratings that the Council had little influence over; they had been included in the report as they were important to residents.


Cllr Jones raised concern that target ACH10 % of care leavers in education,

Employment or training was reporting ‘Red’ when the commentary showed that the Council had little or no influence over 9 of the 13 cohort off target.


Cllr Burbage mentioned that some of the indicators had been included two or three times and also questioned why some of the indicators were not benchmarked.  The Panel were informed that some of the indicators were easy to benchmark whilst some were bespoke to RBWM and thus difficulty to compare.  It was also a new performance framework and there would be further benchmarking in Q3.


The Chairman recommended that when indicators were reporting Red then the responsible Member should attend the Corporate Services O&S Panel to explain why and what remedial actions are in place.  


Cllr Burbage mentioned that we should have public health data as a shared service and he also raised concern about the level of permanent exclusions.  The Panel were informed that the Council had limited control over exclusions but officers did work with schools and exclusion should always be the final option.   Cllr Quick mentioned it would be useful to seer the length of exclusions.


The Chairman said that as we had a responsibility for educating young people up to date data on exclusions should be available.  He was informed that Education Services would hold this data but if reporting to Panel it would have to be Part II as there was a small cohort.

Cllr Jones raised concern about the % of all RBWM schools inspected by

Ofsted receiving an ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ judgment target as there was new more stringent criteria and reduced funding for schools.  


Cllr Quick recommended that the infographic should be on the RBWM website and in Around the Royal Borough.


Resolved unanimously: that the Corporate Services O&S Panel considered the Cabinet report and fully endorsed the recommendations. 


The Panel requested an additional recommendation that when an objective had been off target (reported red) for two consecutive quarters the Lead Member / Principle Member should attend the Corporate Services O&S Panel and other appropriate scrutiny panels covered by the objective to present the service improvement plan, for example the Chairman requested that the Lead Member for Children’s Services attend a future meeting of the Corporate Services O&S Panel and the Children’s Services O&S Panel to explain concerns about a number of targets not being met.


It was noted that at Cabinet the Leader / reporting Member would be adding to recommendation 2 that the service improvement plans for objectives reporting off target would be added to the RBWM website after Cabinet.  The leader mentioned that it was important that lead Members took responsibility for their strategic objectives and supported that they should report to scrutiny when objectives were not met.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Derek Wilson, Lead Member for Planning, for attending the meeting and explaining why performance indicators for the planning team were not being met.

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