Agenda item

Planning Performance

To receive a presentation.


The Panel received a presentation on planning performance, budget and staffing following concerns raised by Members on poor performance.


The Strategic Director , Corporate and Community Services, gave the presentation on planning performance compared to the level of resource committed.  The presentation contained a table that showed the total number of planning applications processed, the percentage of major, minor and other applications processed in time against the national targets and the level of budget committed.  The figures showed that from Q1 in 2015/16 to Q2 2016/17 performance across the IPMR measures had improved with significant improvement from Q1 2016/17 onwards.


It was acknowledged that performance had been poor but was now improved and further improvement was expected.  There had been streamlined process implementation, better customer service and recruitment of the right staff even though we faced stiff competition from London boroughs who paid up to 40% more.


The Panel also informed that following a recent fundamental review of the service  an improvement plan was put in place.  This resulted in a range of changes and further changes where planned.  The changes included improved processes, staffing and technology.   Three new Principal Planning Officers were to be recruited with each one being aligned to the three area teams.


Cllr Dudley mentioned that it had been difficult to resolve the issues with the departments performance but is was now fit for purpose.  He asked if the changes were future proof and was informed that the recruitment of principal planning officers would help support the major development projects and the department would be seeking additional resource.


(Cllr Burbage joined the meeting)


The Chairman mentioned that he supported the Planning Department and understood the challenges ahead, however he had heard about staff leaving the department, maternity leave and staff being on long term sickness and thus he was concerned about resilience. 


Cllr D Wilson, Lead Member for Planning, replied that there had been long term sickness and staff leaving the department; however senior staff did have to give 3 months notice.  The Council had entered into an agreement with an external company to validate submitted planning applications as this process was time consuming when the applicant failed to provide all the necessary paperwork.    A monthly update was provided to the administrating party’s group meetings on the department.


Cllr Dudley mentioned that some people say that the poor performance was due to resources being diverted to the Borough Local Plan and it was important to dismiss this myth. The Panel were informed that there were two separate teams the Development Control team and Planning Policy.  The teams had a different set of planning officers and the Borough Local Plan had been supported by specialist contractors.   The only officers whose work cut across the two teams was the Borough Planning Manager and the Strategic Director.


The Chairman mentioned that it would have been interesting to see which applications required a lot of officer time and whose fees did not cover this resource.  The Panel were informed that it was the minor applications that lost the authority money.  It was noted that the fee structure would be reviewed as part of next years budget build.


Cllr Quick mentioned that it was good that the review of the department had looked at best practice.  As some of the complaints were historical and performance had improved she expected that the level of complaints to Members to decrease.


Cllr Jones mentioned that it was pleasing to see issues in the departments performance being addressed and asked when the department was expected to be fully staffed.  The Panel were informed that staffing levels will always be flexible depending on the level of major applications.  Current vacancies were being recruited to and it was dependent on the level of notice required by the right candidates.


The Panel noted the presentation and the Chairman thanked Cllr D Wilson for attending the meeting to address the Panels concerns.