Agenda item

Schools Re:Fit Framework

By Rob McKinnon (Local Partnerships).


The Chairman welcomed Rob McKinnon (Local Partnerships) to the meeting and invited him to address the Panel. 


The Energy Reduction Manager explained to the Panel that he had recently been speaking to Local Partnerships regarding the Re:fit Framework which was now running across the country and specifically working with schools. 


Rob McKinnon explained that the Local Partnerships had been asked to work with Re: fit outside of London in 2014/15.  Members were informed that the Schools Re:fit Framework programme could be taken to schools in the Royal Borough.  It was noted that Buckinghamshire and Hounslow Council had launched Schools Re:fit Framework programmes. 


Members were given a brief presentation on the Schools Re:fit Framework. 


The presentation covered the following:

  • Schools Re:fit Programme.
  • What could be offered to schools?
  • Experience of working with schools.
  • School Energy Efficiency Programme.
  • How schools can participate.
  • Case Studies.
  • Salix Schools Loan Application.


In the ensuing discussion the following points were noted:

Ø  That this process could also support Academies.

Ø  That it was a time consuming process to gather the momentum needed which meant that schools programmes usually resulted in a rolling programme over two years.

Ø  The Energy Reduction Manager, Michael Potter, explained that the Council was now in the monitoring and verification stage of its Corporate Re:fit programme. The first year’s figures are currently being reviewed. . It was noted that the Energy Reduction Manager would also soon be looking at the second year’s figures.  Members were informed that the Energy Reduction Manager felt it to be a different set-up now as to what it was.  The Energy Reduction Manager stated that the experience gained over the years regarding the Re:fit Framework was essential to the current Re:fit framework.

Ø  That the Re:fit Framework had been available since 2008. 

Ø  That DEFRA were using the Re:fit Framework.

Ø  That the Re:fit Framework was used by the Government, NHS, University’s and Councils.

Ø  Councillor Yong informed the Panel that the RBWM had rated 385 out of 389 Councils for air quality.  Members were informed that Councillor Yong had attended a presentation at Heathrow which had stated that Heathrow were offering schools a generous package (e.g. funding triple glazing, roofing, etc which would add to energy savings) which Councillor Yong had felt could benefit some of the schools in Windsor.  Rob McKinnon explained that if the RBWM could get that grant from Heathrow on behalf of the schools then it would still need to be ‘delivered’, which was something the Re:fit Framework would allow to happen. 

Ø  Rob McKinnon explained that if the Council could compliment funding with Salix and grant funding then a solution could be blended to meet schools differing requirements. 

Ø  That Academies had an option of being funded directly via the Education Funding Agency.

Ø  That savings of between 30-50% could be made in schools by changing lighting, insulating boilers, etc.

Ø  That Rob McKinnon worked for Local Partnerships and that Local Partnerships had a 50% share in the Re:fit Framework which enabled projects to be procured whilst Salix helped deliver the funding. 

Ø  That Local Partnerships had a fee which was compliant with regard to the Salix loans.  It was noted that suppliers were pre-qualified and taken through the process by the Local Partnerships.

Ø  It was noted that three estimates / quotes were initially needed plus a process of validation.  It was explained that the framework terms protected the risk element.


The Chairman stated that the Panel would like to see some case studies for similar sized schools so they could work out a case study scenario. 


RESOLVED Unanimously: That the Schools Re:fit Framework be investigated further and more detail be brought back to the meeting in March 2017.


The Chairman thanked Rob McKinnon for attending the meeting and presenting to the Panel.