Agenda item


To receive the above presentation.


Alison Alexander, Managing Director & Strategic Director of Adults, Children and Health Services and Dr Adrian Hayter gave a brief presentation on the Sustainability and Transformation Plan and highlighted the following key points:


Ø  The STP will provide benefits to the communities and individuals will:

o   Be supported to remain as healthy, active, independent and happy.

o   Receive better coordination of heath & social care system - a ‘no wrong door’ approach.

o   Know who to contact if they need help and be offered care and support in their home that is well organised, only having to tell their story once.

o   Work in partnership with their care and support team to plan and manage their own care, leading to improved health, confidence and wellbeing.

o   Find it easy to navigate the urgent and emergency care system and most of their care will be easily accessed close to where they live.

o   Have confidence that the treatment they are offered is evidence based and results in high quality outcomes wherever they live - reduced variation through delivery of evidence based care and support.

o   Increase their skills and confidence to take responsibility for their own health and care in their communities.

o   Benefit from a greater use of technology, gives easier access to information & services.

o   As taxpayers, be assured that care is provided in an efficient and integrated way.

o   STP was a culmination of work that had taken place over the last two to three years through the BCF and JHWS.

o   Already acknowledged the population is independent, healthy and happy but, it needs to be better coordinated to get residents what they need so they only have to tell their story once.

o   Better use of technology.

o   People’s needs needed to be met through the HWB boards.

Ø  Initiative 1: Ensuring residents had the skills, confidence and support to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

o   Key local initiatives – already taking place around the Borough:

§  Detection of raised blood pressure

§  Diabetes prevention programme – programme just started within the Borough which supported healthier lifestyles.

§  Smoking cessation support for those awaiting elective procedures – real evidence post surgery that giving up smoking provides positive outcomes.

§  Obesity reduction.

§  Development of digital programmes to support healthy lifestyles.

Ø  Initiative 2: Develop integrated decision making hubs to provide single points of access to services such as rapid response and reablement, phased by 2018.

o   Re-development of St Marks as an integrated hub for Maidenhead: Engaging with NHS PropCo regarding possibilities.

o   Potential expansion of Dedworth Medical Centre as an integrated hub for Windsor.

§  To integrate as many services within the hub as possible.

§  Want to provide the care that is actually needed.

Ø  Imitative 3: Lay foundations for a new model of general practice provided at scale, including development of GP federations to improve resilience and capacity.

o   Drawing GPs together and working together to provide resilience.

o   Development of quality bundle for GP enhanced services – GP practices want to join together so there is a more joined up approach.

Ø  Initiative 4: Design a support workforce that is fit for purpose across the system

o   Challenges in GPs, paramedics, nurses, non-regulated workforce domiciliary care workers.

o   Big gaps in areas so, looking to fill gaps with the right people to train and get in place.

o   Local initiatives:

§  Map current provision and gaps including use of agency

§  Establish career development track for bands 1-4 and into first registered position – lots of care staff have great potential to expand their learning.

§  Develop cross-trained Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)/Domiciliary Care Workers that operate both in hospital and community: rotational apprenticeships – some areas have difficulty recruiting and other areas don’t, so joining together would help plug any gaps.

Ø  Initiative 5: Transform the social care support market including a comprehensive capacity and demand analysis and market management.

o   Development of site to enable discharge – ‘step up, step down’

Ø  Initiative 6: Reduce clinical variation to improve outcomes and maximise value for individuals across the population.

o   Ensuring all residents get access to the same services.

Ø  Programme of transformation enablers:

o   Working together

o   Becoming a collective system

o   Developing communities and social networks so that people have the skills and confidence to take responsibility for their own health and care in their communities.

o   Developing the workforce across our system so that it is able to deliver the new models of care – using technology and the estates.

o   Using technology to enable patients and the workforce to improve wellbeing, care, outcomes and efficiency.

o   Developing the Estate.



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