Agenda item


To receive the above presentation.


Dr Hayter introduced his presentation and Board Members noted the following key points:


Ø  Our commissioning Intentions – what are they?

o   How CCGs signal to providers how they were going to make changes to contracts.

o   Set out what changes they intend to make to the services they commission from providers.

o   Gave a starting point for contract negotiations

o   Provided an opportunity to discuss intentions with all stakeholder groups

o   Set the scene for the CCG Operational Plan.

Ø  What to the Commissioning Intentions Say?

o   The main headings focus on the key areas of work:

§  Urgent and emergency care – to be able to think about this with more and more demands being made of the service.

§  Integrated care – joined up services and how they were delivered in the community.

§  Mental health, learning disability and/or autism – part of a national plan and to improve care

§  Childrens and maternity services – new building in Wexham Park

§  Planned care – pharmacies and dentistry to be included.

§  Primary care – forward view in GP Practices

§  Specialised care – prevention to obesity and after care.

§  The full published document is on the CCG website at –

Ø  Planning Guidance for the Operational plan:

o   2 years plan, 2 year allocations, two year contracts

o   Submissions of final plan 23/12/16 and contracts signed 23/12/16

o   Needs to be a clear link to trajectories and milestones in the STP

Ø  Nine Must Do’s:

o   Alignment of the Operational Plan to the STP

o   Financial Sustainability

o   Primary care (General Practice)

o   Urgent and emergency care

o   Referral to treatment and elective care

o   Cancer

o   Mental health

o   Learning disability

o   Improving quality

Ø  Development of Initiatives:

o   Reviewed where there is variation in outcomes and spend

o   Considered areas where we know there are quality issues

o   Worked with clinical leads for areas to develop proposals

o   Discussed at Programme Boards

o   Discussion at BCF Boards

o   QIPP workshop to consider areas to develop further

Ø  Examples of developments:

o   Mental health services for new mothers and children and young people

o   Improved cancer diagnosis treatment times

o   New ways of supporting people at the end of their lives

o   Seven day services – primary care and in hospitals

o   Development of GP Hubs and integrated services

o   Improved cardiology and diabetes services

o   Personal health budgets – not doing so well at working closely with Local Authority to see where working with personal budgets has worked well.

Ø  There was a requirement to get views from the HWB so need the Board to note the plan and progress and sign off for the plan would be needed by December 2016.

Ø  A statement was required from the HWB by 23/12/16 regarding the alignment of the HWBS and Operating Strategy.


Mike Copeland, Chairman of Healthwatch, stated it was difficult getting the information to the public and the public get confused regarding GP Out of Hours Services. There was a need to get the public to understand what services were available to patients and that required a PR campaign. Dr Hayter responded saying that A&E doctors were there 24hours but that was not necessarily the best use of resources. They needed to continually get the message out to patients. There was clear information within STP and the Patient Portal. They could use the Around the Royal Borough publication and produce a marketing plan. Alison Alexander, Managing Director & Strategic Director of Adults, Children and Health Services agreed with getting the CCG to use the Around the Royal Borough publication to get the information out to residents regarding all areas of care. The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed in principle to the commissioning plans summary as presented


Supporting documents: