Agenda item

SACRE Dashboard: a chance to share and discuss the latest data and evidence about what's happening in RE teaching in our area


The Chairman introduced the Agenda item explaining that item 6 and 7 were related where item 6 was asking what’s happening and item 7 asking what can be done about what’s happening.


The Chairman thanked Barbara Meaney, Clive Haines and Anne Andrews for information that they had provided and had been circulated.


Clive Haines provided an update on the Ofsted comments on RE and SMSC. Clive Haines explained that there had not been much change since the last meeting except in Clewer Green School and also the latest change for Holy Trinity School, Cookham, which has done very well and become an outstanding school. Clive Haines also informed SACRE that Ofsted was now also working on British Values and this would soon be in all new inspections.


The following concerns were discussed by SACRE:

·         RE not looked at separately in Ofsted reports.

·         RE not greatly taught in community schools.

·         Difficult to compare schools as RE taught differently in all schools.

·         Ofsted reports not specific to RE.

·         Difficulty in capturing information.

·         Sign up for recent training, mainly from faith schools, not many from community schools.


Councillor Kellaway mentioned the 'New Settlement in RE' document at the meeting of SACRE.


Technically referred to as a 'pamphlet' (despite being 60+ pages!), this is possibly a seminal contribution to the debate underway about the future of RE and collective worship in schools, and the role of SACREs.


Please find attached the full pamphlet, together with the briefing on the pamphlet issued by NASACRE, intended to stimulate discussion at each SACRE. The pamphlet and the NASACRE briefing are part of what is likely to be a three year long consultation process.  There will doubtless be opportunities for discussion at our SACRE, and to provide feedback to others where that seems appropriate. Councillor Kellaway highlighted the suggested change of name from RE to Religious Moral Education.


Anne Andrews suggested that all members look at the NASACRE website and read the summary of the report which was very helpful.


Members discussed:

·         “Life without Levels” – Barbara Meaney and Louise Ceska discussed that it was very difficult to assess levels. A new solo taxonomy way of working now being introduced where people learn in bits, in building blocks that are not linked to anything and then the blocks would be put together to link and then create and use in new ways.

·         Schools would like the children to visit places of worship but the cost of getting the children to the place of worship. It would be great if SACRE could contribute to the coach hire. Councillor Kellaway suggested a charity but it would only fund children from Maidenhead. Councillor Airey suggested the Corporate Social Responsibility and the Big Society Panel.


ACTION: Karen Butler, Mike Gammage, Anne Andrews and Clive Haines to work on these ideas and report back at the next SACRE meeting.


Ravinder Singh Zandu suggested that whilst the going to places of worship was being investigated, the places of worship leads could attend the schools to give talks and presentations on religions. However, the cost of travel would have to be reimbursed.


Karen Butler suggested using the path that Councillor Airey had suggested and use lists of corporate businesses that the borough held. Councillor Airey suggested linking up with the Big Society Panel. The SACRE members thought it was a great idea.

ACTION: Councillor Airey to email the Chairman of the Big Society Panel with suggestions of linking up.


Louise Ceska raised concern about the importance of recruiting good teachers. Louise Ceska advised that SACRE should be mindful of the challenges ahead.