Agenda item

Update from the Waste Team

A verbal update by the Waste Manager (Naomi Markham).


The Chairman welcomed the Waste Strategy Manager, Naomi Markham, to the meeting and invited her to update the Panel. 


The Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that she had not received the January tonnage figures as yet.  It was noted that just over 190 tonnes of food waste had been collected over November and December which equated to a 16% increase on November and December 2015 figures.  An increase for the year was noted to be 34%. 


The Waste Strategy Manager informed Members that the new textile collections were continuing and that a textiles leaflet would be going out soon.  Councillor Lynda Yong explained that she had put textiles out to be collected three times since the last meeting but that they had not been collected.  The Waste Strategy Manager asked that Councillor Lynda Yong informed her of the address so she could look into it.  It was noted that the collection vehicles visited every street in the Royal Borough.  Councillor Lynda Yong suggested that bright bags be used so that this recycling stood out clearly to the collection operatives.  The Waste Strategy Manager agreed to look into this suggestion but did state that the Council was trying to stop people from having to collect a specific bag to use for textile recycling as residents could currently use any bag available to them.  Councillor Simon Werner stated his concern regarding the number of bags collected (approximately 200 bags per week) compared to the amount of fuel and manpower used to collect from every street in the Royal Borough as he felt it to be uneconomical.  The Waste Strategy Manager explained that she was expecting the number of bags collected to increase as the textile collections had only just started.  The Panel was informed that the original plan had been to have cages on the waste collection vehicles but it was found that the bins had a higher bin lift than previously thought.  The Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that the Lead Member for Environmental Services and Managing Director had made the interim decision to start the textile collections as they were currently operating (i.e. on separate vehicles collecting from every street in the Royal Borough).  It was noted that textile recycling was cost neutral to the Council as they received an income from the textiles collected.  The Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that she was unaware of the carbon cost of collection vehicles visiting every street in the Royal Borough.  The Panel was informed that it was hoped the interim decision with regard to textile collections would only need to be in place for up to a maximum of six months.  It was requested that the carbon costs over six months be raised with the Lead Member for Environmental Services, Councillor Cox and the findings be circulated to the Panel.               


Councillor Derek Sharp questioned what size grey bin was provided if a bin was lost as he had received reports that smaller bins were being supplied to residents in the Royal Borough.  The Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that the decision had originally been made in 2012 to replace lost bins with smaller standard size grey bins.  It was noted that if a household comprised of 6 people or more / 5 people and a child in nappies / whether there was a valid medical reason they would receive a 240 litre bin.  Residents in smaller households would automatically be supplied with 180 litre replacement bins (standard bin size).  It was noted that the smaller bins were being provided so as to help encourage recycling as the Panel was informed that 80% of all rubbish could be recycled.   


The Vice-Chair questioned how long the turnaround was for replacement parts (e.g. bin lids) as he was currently waiting for a part he had requested approximately a week ago.  The Waste Strategy Manager explained that it should be a 10 day turnaround.


The Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that a free Saturday green waste collection service was available to residents or alternatively residents had the option to compost at home. 


The Waste Strategy Manager explained that the rolling campaign with regard to flats where bins were not labelled up well in bin stores was now complete.  It was noted that the Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that she would shortly be doing a sample section to see the results of the campaign.  It was noted that positive feedback had already been received from residents.


The Panel was advised that the 2017/18 objectives were to increase food waste collections and look at contamination levels in order to help reduce contamination levels. 


The Vice-Chair requested that the Waste Strategy Manager look into whether Marks & Spencer’s white plastic tray bases, typically used for cold meats, were recyclable.  It was noted that dirty pizza boxes should not to be recycled.   


                        The Chairman thanked the Waste Strategy Manager for her update and stated that she and the Panel looked forward to receiving an update at the next meeting either in a written or verbal format.