Agenda item

Update from the Waste Team

A verbal update by the Waste Strategy Manager (Naomi Markham).


The Chairman welcomed the Waste Strategy Manager, Naomi Markham, to the meeting and invited her to update the Panel. 


The Waste Strategy Manager informed Members that with regard to the textile collections the Council now had a cage on one of its collection vehicles which was being used as a trial. It was noted that the trial was working very well and the rest of the collection cages were in the process of being manufactured and should be on vehicles in the next six weeks.  The Panel was informed that if a surge of textiles needed collecting then the bin deliverers could collect additional textiles.  The Waste Strategy Manager explained that between 65 – 100 bags of textiles were being collected a day across the Royal Borough which was what officers had expected.  With regard to the lilac collection bags the Panel was informed that they would be kept in the cages on the collection vehicles and would be replaced when a bag was collected.  It was noted that the Panel would be informed when all nine collection vehicles had been fitted with the cages. 


Councillor Werner stated that he would be interested to see in the future the cost savings of having the cages installed on the collection vehicles as opposed to having dedicated vehicles collection the textiles.


The Waste Strategy Manager went onto explain that the Royal Borough had been using a smoothie bike to help engage with residents, particularly children, when it came to recycling food waste.  It was noted that the smoothie bike had been used at a number of local events, including the Datchet and Maidenhead Carnivals. 


The Panel was informed that the marketing person was off work sick today but was planning a campaign regarding reducing recycling contamination levels via the use of stickers in the Autumn time.  The Waste Strategy Manager informed the Panel that if anyone was interested a trip up to the waste centre could be arranged. 


Councillor Werner questioned when the refusal of garden waste in standard bin collections had been introduced.  The Waste Strategy Manager explained that it had come into force before she had started at the Royal Borough. 


Councillor Sharp informed the Waste Strategy Manager that he had been to the recycling centre in the Borough a number of times over recent months and had not been asked to show identification to prove he was a RBWM resident.  Councillor Werner stated this had also been the case for him.  The Waste Strategy Manager agreed to look into why ID had not been requested on those occasions.  Councillor Sharp suggested that a sign be put in place to explain to people visiting the recycling centre about the new policy and that ID would now be required to be shown.    The Waste Strategy Manager informed Members that the Surrey data had revealed that flytipping had reduced as a result of the new policy and that she would be interested to see what the RBWM figures showed.  It was noted that the Surrey consultation regarding whether any of their recycling centres would be closed had started on the 23 June and would close on the 7 August and that the RBWM would be submitting a response to the consultation.  Councillor Yong stated that she believed Ascot residents would be very upset if the Bagshot recycling centre was to close as it was felt a long way to go to an alternative site.  Councillor Coppinger stated that if the Bagshot recycling centre was closed the Royal Borough would be looking to replace it.       


The Chairman thanked the Waste Strategy Manager for her update and stated that she and the Panel looked forward to receiving an update at the next meeting either in a written or verbal format.