Agenda item

Hurley and Walthams Neighbourhood Plan Decision to Proceed to Referendum


Cabinet considered approval for the Hurley and the Waltham’s Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to referendum at the earliest practicable opportunity.


The Principal Member explained that this was the second of ten Neighbourhood Plans that had reached the final stage. The first stage involved community input and the development of an evidence base to support policies. The second stage involved a final consultation and submission to an independent examiner. The third stage was approval at referendum. The referendum would require a 50% majority for the plan to be adopted and used as a development plan in the consideration of planning applications. She thanked Councillor Hunt who had chaired the Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG). Four more plans were expected in the coming months: Bray, Windsor, Eton and Eton Wick, and Horton and Wraysbury.


The Chairman echoed the thanks to Councillor Hunt. He asked for an explanation of the relationship between a Neighbourhood Plan and the Borough Local plan (BLP). The Lead Member for Planning explained that a Neighbourhood Plan was more localised and could determine the type of dwelling mix on sites in the area. The BLP identified strategic sites and could amend site boundaries, the only time the Green Belt could be reviewed. The site at Breadcroft Lane had been identified as local green space in the Neighbourhood Plan but had been identified in the BLP as a strategic site for 100 dwellings. The discrepancy would be discussed at the BLP examination. The Executive Director explained that when planning applications were considered the National Planning Policy Framework, the BLP and a Neighbourhood Plan (if in place) would all be material considerations. It was confirmed that the Hurley and Walthams Neighbourhood Plan would be in place by the time of the BLP examination.


Councillor Hunt provided Cabinet with some background on the area:


·         Three parish councils

·         99.2% Green Belt

·         Flood zoning in every village

·         11,700 acres of land

·         106 footpaths totalling 89km

·         A number of conservation areas


Eight consultation events were held across the 17 villages that made up the area.


Councillor Hunt explained that the NPG had originally submitted its draft in February 2015. Council officers were aware of the inclusion of the Breadcroft Lane site as they had attended NPG meetings. The full plan had been submitted in June 2016.


The Chairman requested officers to see if there were any parish vacancies, and if so, whether elections could be held at the same time as the referendum.


The Lead Member for Maidenhead Regeneration and Maidenhead thanked Councillor Hunt for her chairmanship of the NPG. He commented that Waltham Parish Council was considering a referendum on a piece of open space at Jubilee Wood and asked officers to see if this too could be held at the same time. He highlighted that the Neighbourhood Plan included rural exception sites to allow for housing for local people at affordable prices.


The Principal Member explained that £20,000 had been allocated to each Neighbourhood Plan; any money not spent would be returned to the council. The government paid for the referendum and examination process.


The Lead Member for Environmental Services commented that Councillor Hunt had been the driving force for the Neighbourhood Plan and had put in a huge amount of effort. The community had come together as a result of her efforts.




i)     Confirms that the plan meets the Basic Conditions tests and does not require a SA/SEA; and

ii)    Accepts the proposed changes to the Neighbourhood Plan set out in Appendix B, and

a.    Gives delegated authority to the Head of Planning to issue a decision statement; and

b.    agrees to put the modified Neighbourhood Plan to referendum.  The date of the referendum to be set in accordance with the legal requirements; and

iii)   Delegates authority to the Executive Director, in consultation with the Principal Member for Neighbourhood Planning, to make minor, non material, amendments to the Neighbourhood Plan prior to the referendum being announced; and

iv)  Provides advance funding, if required, for the referendum which will then be claimed back from Government.


(Councillor S Rayner left the meeting for the duration of the discussion and voting on the item)

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