Agenda item

Financial Update

To comment on the Cabinet report.


The Managing Director apologised that the two reports under consideration were marked as To Follow.  The Financial Update report had required additional work due to a range of mitigating actions being investigated to address overspends.  The Schools Capital Programme report had a number of issued that had to be resolved before the report could be published.


The Chairman requested that when a report was To Follow if possible could substantive elements be circulated to the Panel with the full report being circulated when available. 


Cllr Jones requested that when reports were To Follow could the reasons be noted. 


Cllr Jones also mentioned that the level of To Follow reports was not decreasing and it was agreed that Cllr Jones and the Managing Director would discuss if this was the case.


The Panel received a presentation on the latest Financial Update Cabinet report.  The Panel were informed that there was a £828,000 projected overspend on

the General Fund due to net overspends being forecast in service budgets.


There was a £153,000 pressure in the Communities Directorate that would be mitigated by over-achievement of income from parking fees and registrars charges.  The contract for AFC had also overspent by £1,316,000.


There is a range of pressures in Children’s Services for non DSG:


·         Home to school transport £226,000

·         Placements for young people £602,000

·         Legal costs £162,000

·         Agency costs £326,000


The Chairman mentioned that there had been an increase to the home to school transport budget but there was still a projected overspend.  Cllr N Airey informed that officers had reviewed  contracts for suitability and looked at policies for more independent travel.  The September intake will impact on future budget.


Cllr Story asked about the agency overspend and was informed that seven social workers would soon be completing their qualification training as a result of the decision to invest in the Frontline training programme. This team of newly qualified social workers will replace seven agency workers. A further eight students are enrolled for the next Frontline cohort, building the pipeline for the future.  AFC also used Frontline so this should help with future recruitment. 


The Chairman mentioned that this was an excellent was to recruit enthusiastic young people and asked if their was an obligation for them to stay once qualified.  The Panel were informed that there was no obligation for them to stay but benefits such as the POD system and being able to be put on correct pay scales due to the experience already gained would help. 


Cllr Jones mentioned that with regards to placement pressures then the Government should indicate the impact of new legislation.  In response the Panel were informed that the Government would say that it was a local issue.  The pressure arose as it was not known how many parents wished their children to go back into education when the SEND reforms were introduced. 


Cllr Bowden mentioned that at the Crime and Disorder O&S Panel Members were informed that the increase in parking income would be spent on transport. 


Cllr E Wilson questioned the increased costs for AFC and was informed that this was due to the recent pension valuation by the actuary that resulted in an increase in pension contribution requirements from AFC.


Resolved unanimously: that the Children’s Services O&S Panel considered the Cabinet report and fully endorsed the recommendations in relation to items under their remit.




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