Agenda item

York House Refurbishment

To consider the above report


Members considered final approval for the capital budget of £9,618,995 to cover the contractor costs for the refurbishment and extension works to York House, Windsor.


Councillor Rankin explained that the proposals would provide a multi-functional hub for residents and improved accommodation for valued staff. The report was in line with the report to the Cabinet Regeneration Sub Committee in December 2016 and the council’s approved budget apart from one aspect. In light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, officers had reviewed the cladding proposed to be used. This had resulted in an additional £400,000 to ensure safety.


Councillor Dudley commented that the proposals would create a fantastic office accommodation for Optalis, Achieving for Children and residents using front of house services in Windsor. The report explained that the current value of the property was £4m and the investment was £9.6m. The anticipated value of the final building would be £17.5m. The council may not need all the office space and there was a shortage in Windsor so there was a rental opportunity.


Councillor E. Wilson stated that this was a fantastic investment in Windsor with the potential to inspire the future if it was a dynamic and interesting building not the usual council monolith. He asked if the Lead Member had given further thought to trees and foliage as a mature tree was being removed. Lots of small business in Windsor were struggling to find office space therefore he liked the possibility for small business being able to sub-let York House; this would help to make the area more dynamic during the day. The council had been campaigning for a long time to get Thames Valley Police (TVP) to open a counter in Windsor since the closure at Alma Road, but it had refused to share York House.


Councillor Bicknell commented that the proposals had been a long time coming, but would get everyone together. He understood that technical reasons had led to a mutual agreement for TVP not to share York House.


Councillor Rankin explained that a relatively mature Yew tree was to be removed following determination by the tree officer that it was not well. There would be increased foliage at the front of the building. He would work with residents of Brook Street to identify a new tree, although this would not be of the same maturity. It was not the council’s immediate intention to rent offices in the building. It was anticipated that more staff would use the building once refurbished and it would also be attractive to AfC staff given the location of the other sites at Richmond and Kingston on the same train line. It would then be a question of estate management and a commercial decision whether to rent out any space.  The council had engaged with the police on a ‘one stop shop’ idea but planning reasons had led to the mutual decision to discontinue negotiations. TVP had published a press release committing to finding a base in Windsor. It was up to the council to hold them to account on this.


It was proposed by Councillor Rankin, seconded by Councillor Dudley, and:



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Councilnotes the report and:


i)     Approves capital budget of £9,618,995 for the York House project, split between £6,400,000 in 2017/18 and £3,218,995 in 2018/19.

ii)    This budget allocation reflects the project timeline, with completion scheduled for 30th November 2018.

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