Agenda item

Broadway Car Park

To consider the report.


Members considered the report that detailed the options for the Broadway car park.


The Leader of Council informed that this was critical for the regeneration of Maidenhead.


The Lead Member for Maidenhead Regeneration and Maidenhead reported that £9,000,000 had been set aside for temporary car parking in Maidenhead and that the Nicholson’s Car Park would not be demolished until temporary car parking provision was in place.


Members were informed that following consultation with Members and scrutiny that a new set of recommendations had been proposed and circulated.   The Lead Member of Finance had been added to the recommendations and it was proposed to approve further work for option 3 and if this option was not viable to progress with option 2.  The request for additional capital budget had been removed from the new recommendations and would be brought back in due course.


All three options had been assessed against the same criteria and option 3 would retain some of the same material aspects as option 1.  London and Aberdeen had been engaged to look at options for a new Broadway Car Park and as work commenced it became clear that option 1 would not provide the benefits of the other options and this was to be discussed under Part II.   Whichever option was progressed it should not delay plans for a new car park.


Members were informed that paragraph 2.21 showed the assumptions that had been applied to all three options with regards to car parking charges.  It was proposed to increase charges above that proposed with the 2018-19 budget but this was still below benchmarked figures.   


The Principle Member for  Neighbourhood Planning, Ascot and The Sunnings asked if the car park would be mixed use and was informed that currently about 15% of users were shoppers.  It was expected that there would be a mixed use.  With regards to commuters there would be other options available in connection with Crossrail.  It was also noted that the site vacated by Land Rover would be used as a temporary car park for RBWM staff.


The Leader of Council informed that it was not expected that Crossrail would be responsible for providing parking for Maidenhead Station but they would be upgrading the facilities.  Ownership of the station would remain with Network rail.  It was noted that oyster cards would be able to be used.


The Leader also wished his gratitude to London and Aberdeen be noted for their work in helping the Council develop its thinking. 


It was decided that the Part II element of the report should be considered before the Part I resolution was voted upon.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: that the order of business as detailed in the agenda, be amended.


After discussion in Part II had taken place the following resolution was made.





Resolved unanimously: that Cabinet Regeneration Sub-committee notes the

report and:


1.    Approves that further work be undertaken to conclude Option 3 set out in the Part 2 Report.


2.    Delegate authority to the Executive Director in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Maidenhead Regeneration and Maidenhead and in conjunction with the Lead Member for Finance to negotiate and implement an agreement for Option 3.


3.    If Option 3 proves through negotiation to not be deliverable to progress Option 2 through a procurement process to be agreed.


4.    Finalise a capital budget recommendation for the approval of the Cabinet Regeneration Sub-committee and Council.


5.    Asks Council to approve these recommendations.


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