Agenda item

Energy Reduction Manager Update

By the Energy Reduction Manager (Michael Potter).


The Energy Manager gave a brief update to the Panel. The main key points were:


Ø  The Energy Managers focus for 2018 was on the Energy & Water Strategy

Ø  The four topics within the strategy were listed in paragraph 11.2 on page 15 of the agenda pack

Ø  Page 19 of the agenda pack showed a break-down of topics into actions which formed the backbone of the Strategy

Ø  All work should fall within the actions of the Strategy.


The Chairman requested more information on the business scope supporting role. The Energy Manager confirmed that it included offering the Energy Switch to Save Scheme to businesses or offering energy efficiency advice.


The Chairman said she liked the site targets. The Energy Manager confirmed the work carried out to finish metering every premises the Borough had, had been completed. Councillor Sharp stated he wanted to see how well the Council was doing in terms of energy efficiency at every meeting. The Chairman requested up to date figures on the Council’s solar panels be displayed on the screens in libraries. Councillor Sharp commented the screens should be linked with the new BMS system and should show real time figures. That would give residents an incentive to reduce energy at home. The Council should lead by example/ the Chairman stated the displays should be moved from reception to the library as the reception area of the Town Hall did not receive many visitors since most Council services had moved over to Maidenhead Library. The Energy Manager confirmed the solar panels were not linked to the BMS yet but, he could look at arranging that in the near future. Councillor Sharp stated the new BMS should be publicised as the Energy Manager had done a very good job.


v  Action – The Energy Manager to provide a monthly update on energy efficiency of Council buildings at every meeting.


The Energy Manager gave Members a brief update on the BMS and explained that the system was up and running and he was now working through a snagging list. The BMS had picked up faults which were being fixed. Further projects had been identified through BMS such as work on the chiller and upgrading the pumps. He was looking at putting sub metering onto the BMS for monitoring purposes. He added that the LED lighting project had been completed within the Town Hall.


Councillor Sharp stated every time the Borough changed a street light over to LED, that should reduce the electric bill. Therefore, he wanted to know how much the electricity bill had been reduced by; he added that residents should be able to see the reduction. The Energy Manager confirmed that residents could see the energy consumption online each day.


The Energy Manager gave a brief update on the Energy Switch to Save Scheme next and explained that he had received the highest number of registrants overall and switchers expected to save up to £9,000 per year collectively. An estimated £20,000 had been saved for residents since the scheme had started.


Councillor sharp stated the savings and the scheme should be well publicised. The Energy Manager confirmed that he would be publicising the scheme more through the Around the Royal Borough publication. Councillor Yong stated Radian Housing were trying to run a similar scheme so she had told them about the Switch to Save Scheme the Council had been running. Radian had huge housing stock with some less well-off residents; the Council could help with switching those residents and that would help the most vulnerable people with saving money on their energy costs. The energy Manager confirmed he would make contact with radian Housing to see if there was any way of helping their residents. The Energy Manager added that he was proposing the next scheme in October 2018 to allow enough time to build up interest in the scheme.


The Panel noted that the Energy Manager had delayed the School Energy Saving Competition till early summer 2018. He had contacted schools and was awaiting responses; he was hoping to get enough schools to run the competition.


The Panel noted the work programme which was listed on in paragraph 11.18 of the agenda pack. The Chairman stated she wanted an update on volumisers being installed in the Town Hall on the ground floor at the next meeting which would help reduce water consumption.

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