Agenda item

Planning Performance

To comment and consider on the above report.


Councillor Michael Airey, Deputy Lead Member for Planning addressed the Panel and informed Members that he had been engaged with discussions with the Planning Enforcement & Conservation Team Manager and the Deputy Head of Planning in relation to ongoing improvement work in planning enforcements.  The Panel were informed that there had been three main areas of focus which included; communication with third parties including engagement with Parish Councils, a review of the local enforcement plan which was adopted in 2016 and a review of delegated authority through the planning task and finish group.


Panel Members asked for clarification surrounding the funding of the two full time planning positions and it was confirmed that the increase from planning application fees had funded both positions. This funding had been ring-fenced for the positions which currently met the demand for applications that the Planning department had received and it was estimated that the excess demand was approximately 200 planning applications per year. Members discussed the mandatory training which had been written in the report and wanted clarification that this had been undertaken by all Members in dealing with complex enquiries.


ACTION- That Members be updated with details of whether they had received Member training for Planning- consequences of decisions taken by Planning Panels.


Russell O’Keefe, Executive Director- Place, informed the Panel that the omission of an up to date Local Plan had placed the authority in a mediocre position and that the implementation of a new Local Plan would strengthen the position. There were currently no documents that bought all of the Borough Design guides together but that the Neighbourhood Plan would offer good quality design guidance and advice. Members were informed that the publication of the draft was behind schedule.


ACTION- That Jenifer Jackson update the Panel on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan draft at the next meeting.


Panel Members discussed the need for better publication of planning successes in enforcements across the borough. Councillor Michael Airey informed the Panel that there had been difficulties in relaying successes to residents as these may be perceived as negative, for e.g. higher number of enforcements and successful appeals. It was agreed by the Panel that a greater understanding of processes was needed by residents and the Panel were updated that there were currently 400 live cases and approximately 80 actions outstanding per month. Members were informed that details of the number of successful appeals, enforcement actions and outcomes were available on the RBWM website and updated monthly. 


Jenifer Jackson, Head of Planning informed the Panel that where decisions were reviewed on receipt that officers had to understand whether there was a basis for seeking to challenge the decision, whether a policy had been misapplied or badly interpreted by officer and whether any change was required or any other issue that is consistently resulting in appeals being allowed. It was confirmed that the plans were in place to progress the Borough Design Guide SPD to resolve this issue.


Members wished to place a vote of thanks of record for Russell O’Keefe, Jenifer Jackson and their teams for their hard work and for the ongoing performance of the Planning department.


Resolved UNANIMOUSLY That; The report be noted.



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