Agenda item

Maidenhead Golf Course - Stage 3 Procurement

To comment on the Cabinet report.


Cllr Brimacombe informed that at Council he declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the item ‘Maidenhead Golf Club’ as he had property and business interests in the area. He made representations on the item, then took no part in the debate or vote on the item.


The Lead Member for Economic Development, Property, Communications and Deputy Finance introduced the report that set out the final questions and criteria for the procurement of a development partner for Maidenhead Golf Course.


The Panel were informed that the Royal Borough were committed to the development of this strategic site that would provide benefits such as an all through school and 30 percent affordable housing.  Following the publication of an OJEU notice seeking a development partner for the Maidenhead Golf Course 10 formal submissions were received to the initial selection questionnaire.  A list of 5 companies were subsequently invited to partake in dialogue.  These submissions had been scored and three companies had been invited to submit final tenders.  The Part II appendix to the report outlined the final stage questions and criteria.


Cllr Brimacombe mentioned that the report said that the site would deliver 30% affordable housing, however there was a lack of clarity on the definition of affordable housing.  He had asked questions to Council on this and felt that the statement was misleading.  Cllr Rankin replied that Council had been informed that RBWM would control the site and wok with a JV partner to deliver the development.  The definition of affordable housing was contained within the Borough Local Plan.


Cllr Brimacombe also mentioned that there was a lack of clarity within the report, for example education provision could be a single classroom or a school.  The Panel were informed that the report was about selection of the JV partner and that a detailed master plan would be refined and guide planning on the site for next 10-15 years.


Cllr Brimacombe mentioned that the public should be able to see the plans for the site and requested that when appropriate information be released in Part I.


Cllr Rankin said that the OJ process was selecting a partner against the criteria in the Part II section of the report.  After a selection process a development agreement would be produced.


Cllr Brimacombe raised concern about the risk register and that only the BLP and future property demand was listed, there was no mention of affordable housing.  Cllr Rankin replied that the risks within the report were for the procurement process, development risks were in other reports.


It was noted that the benefits of the site had been outlined in the report to Council, the Panel requested that this be referenced in this report to Cabinet.


Cllr D Wilson mentioned that as the site was controlled by the Council they could decide what the tenure mix would be and that the 30% affordable housing could be met.  As it was expected to have 2,000 properties on site there would be a need for education provision and this could mean a new school had to be built. 


Resolved unanimously: that The Corporate Services O&S Panel considered the Cabinet report and approved the recommendations subject to the following amendments (Cllr Brimacombe abstained from voting due to a declaration of interest):


·         Add ‘as outlined in the vision document approved by Council’ to section 2.9 of the report to provide a reference point for the mentioned range of benefits.


·         For section 7.1 mention that ‘hopefully’ new housing would be for local residents.


·         That Cabinet notes the Panels comments made during the Part II discussion.

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