Agenda item

Infrastructure: Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace capacity and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) delivery to support the BLP

To consider and note the above titled report.


Ashley Smith, Deputy Head of Planning outlined the report. It was highlighted that the Thames Basin Heath had been a problem area and that there had been a freeze on development for the surrounding Surrey Heath area. Natural England recommendations were that SANGS should be provided as a means to avoid damage to protected species and areas. It was also noted that the size of a SANG  relied upon how many houses or whether development could be mitigated. Members were informed that there were two different types of SANG, bespoke and strategic SANG. Details of these were outlined in the report. It was highlighted that there would be an increase to Allen’s Field alongside the SANG development which would support the southern development of RBWM.


Members were reminded that the SANG had to meet specific criteria and that there must be a large walking loop, within a natural setting. Members were told that it would cost approximately £500,000 to set up a SANG. Members queried why the farm area in Cox green had been purchased and why this could not be utilised for SANG purpose. Councillor D Wilson highlighted that the Cox Green farm area had been purchased for leisure and sports pitches. Ashley Smith outlined that SANGS must be within a 5kn radius of development. It was also noted that there had been a lease arrangement with the land owner for the intended SANG. Members queried whether there could be a SANG development for the upcoming golf course redevelopment and it was confirmed that there were no dedicated plans for this. Councillor Beer noted that Chobham Common was an area where protected species thrived and that this should form part of the SANG. It was confirmed that this area already formed part of the Thames Basin Heath area.


It was noted that the planned delivery surrounding Allen’s Field was ambitious and officers were confirmed that the planned delivery targets would be met for the upcoming period. It was estimated that there were 109 dwellings that the SANG would mitigate. It was confirmed that the finalised plans for Allen’s Field were being looked at and worked upon. Members were concerned that land owners could demand higher rates for land and that RBWM would be subject to paying premium prices. The Panel were informed that land that owners put forward for use would have been overlooked for development or may not have been fit for particular use and it would benefit them to incorporate their land as part of the SANG. The Council would be able to recoup costs and could carry out building development on their behalf, both raising monies for RBWM and increasing revenue whilst being cost effective. Councillor Hunt stated that the Council should aim to purchase freehold as opposed to leasehold where possible to ensure continuity for the future. Russell O’Keefe clarified that he had a duty to achieve best value for the borough and that options relating to freehold and leasehold had been considered. It was also highlighted that protected species of animals would not need to be imported as part of the SANG delivery.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY; That the report be noted and;


i)             That authority be given to the Executive Director of Place to pursue negotiations on behalf of the council with landowners, to enter into lease agreements with landowners and to make a planning application for the purposes of providing SANG to meet BLP requirements to 2033.


ii)            That authority be given to the Head of Planning not to provide capacity in the council’s strategic Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANGs) for large prior approval schemes or other unplanned large applications located beyond the defined settlements Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale or on allocated sites where the proposals were in excess of the BLPSV allocation by more than 9 additional units which are considered to undermine the Council’s Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy.


iii)           That authority be given to the Executive Director of Place to pursue negotiations on behalf of the council with any other council which may have surplus SANG capacity and to authorise the Executive Director to enter into any necessary legal or lease agreement with that council for the purposes of securing SANG capacity to support the BLPSV.

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