Agenda item

Infrastructure including Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance

To comment and consider the above titled report.


 Ashley Smith, Deputy Head of Planning outlined the report to the Panel. The report outlined the infrastructure required to underpin planned development regarding the published Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which would support the submitted Borough Local Plan (BLPSV). Members were reminded that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), charging schedule and a Regulation 123 list had been introduced on the 1st September 2016. The Panel were informed that the CIL was a charge on new floor space which had arisen from developments in residential or retail use and any money collected to deliver infrastructure required to support new development in and around the Borough.


Panel Members were told that the Infrastructure Delivery Group (IDG) would seek to decide how the CIL money accumulated from development would be spent around the borough. The working group would consist of Members and Officers who would be looking at decisions of where the money could be spent. Members queried why some parishes received 25% of money raised from development as opposed to 15% and it was clarified that parishes that had a neighbourhood plan which had been adopted covering their area would receive the higher percentage. It was also highlighted that the Local Planning Authorities operating CIL would pass on the relevant percentages of money raised from development within a parish/town council area directly to them. It was confirmed that section 106 agreements would still be used to secure affordable housing provision or payment in lieu of provision and other non-financial requirements. Members were informed that any money from CIL would be spent on items categorised within the Community Infrastructure List. Section 106 monies would need to be spent on directly relevant projects within the community, for example, libraries.


Members were concerned that developers would have to pay both the CIL and Section 106 contributions which could be expensive. It was highlighted that there were some discounts available to developers dependant on the number of units they wished to build. Members were also told that comparatively, the amount would be similar to what developers had paid previously.  The Panel were told that the viability study and changes from the initial proposal consultation would be published over the upcoming months. It was highlighted that the Infrastructure Delivery Group would be reviewing the 123 Regulation list and would look to programme manage the delivery of infrastructure projects. The Panel were informed that there would be information and knowledge sharing events and Members were encouraged to take part. Dates of these events would be shared with Members shortly.


Members discussed the need for parish councils to be communicated to in relation to CIL monies received. Ashley Smith confirmed that figures of CIL monies and where the money had been spent would be published. Councillor Dr L Evans raised concerns that money that had been accumulated under CIL in Windsor had been spent in Maidenhead to fund projects and that this may cause concern for residents. It was clarified that there was a good audit trail of decision making and that in some areas there was no business case for infrastructure development or a need to develop failing or existing infrastructure in comparison to other areas. Members commended the level of transparency towards the decision making process.


At the conclusion of the report Members noted the report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the report be noted by the Planning and Housing Overview & Scrutiny Panel and;


i)             That the terms of reference for the Infrastructure Working Group were approved.

ii)            That the appointment of five borough councillors to the Member/Officer Infrastructure Group was approved.

iii)           That the Infrastructure Working Group would make recommendations to Cabinet in the future about how monies would be collected by the Levy and how it would be spent with due regard to the published Regulation 123 List.

iv)           That the revised Regulation 123 List would be produced by 31st August 2018 for consultation as appropriate and then for review of the comments received to be reported to the Infrastructure Working Group to consider and make any amendments to the revised 123 List before publication.

v)            That, prior to receiving payments in April and October each year, the Parish Councils ( and relevant Ward Councillors) will each receive an itemised statement of those applications in their Parish for which CIL has been collected which identifies the application number, the site address, the amount collected in total and the neighbourhood portion due to be paid at the next payment date.

vi)           That in communities that are non-parished, the ward councillors will receive a statement of the applications in that ward where CIL has been collected which identifies the application number, the site address, the amount collected in total and the neighbourhood portion. From October 2018 the ward councillors and any designated Neighbourhood Forum will be consulted in writing on the spending priorities for that area.


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