Issue - decisions

Procurement of the Specialist Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Service

28/09/2023 - Procurement of the Specialist Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Service

That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               Approved a two-year direct award to an eligible provider to ensure continuity of specialist, integrated SRH service provision beyond 30 June 2024 across Berkshire East (RBWM, Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) and Slough Borough Council.

ii)              Delegated authority and accountability for the contract award to BFC as the Lead Authority for the procurement.

iii)             Agreed that BFC would work with the market and NHS commissioning bodies to develop a life course response to sexual and reproductive health needs that offered better services for local communities. This process would result in initiation of a procurement of the specialist integrated SRH service during the lifetime of the 2-year contract to ensure longer term provision.