Issue - decisions

Draft 2024/25 Budget

14/12/2023 - Draft 2024/25 Budget

AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report, reviewed the council’s approach to balancing the budget and:

i)               noted the draft revenue budget for 2024/25 included in the report, which showed a preliminary balanced position.

ii)              noted the proposed capital budget for 2024/25 and revised Medium Term Financial Plan to 2028/29 set out respectively in Appendices A and B.

iii)             considered the proposed budget pressures and savings / transformation / income proposals set out in Appendices C and D;

iv)             noted the Equality Impacts Assessments shared at Appendix E; and

v)              agreed to commence public consultation on the draft 2024-25 budget, including proposals to increase Council Tax by the maximum allowed by Government. The consultation was expected to run from 14th December 2023 to 22nd January 2024.