Issue - decisions

Annual update on demand for school places

30/11/2023 - Annual update on demand for school places

AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i) Supported discussions around a potential bulge class at Datchet St Mary’s CE Primary School for September 2025.

ii) Delayed the opening of a new primary school at Chiltern Road, Maidenhead, until at least September 2026, and requested that this be reconsidered in Autumn 2024.

iii) Requested that further places for junior age children were provided in Maidenhead using existing spare physical capacity.

iv) Requested that proposals for temporary reductions in Published Admission Numbers were agreed with Windsor first and middle schools, to reduce the number of projected surplus places in the town.

v) Requested that public consultation was carried out for changes to the Royal Borough’s school admissions arrangements for September 2025, as set out in paragraph 5.7.

vi) Requested that officers work with Alexander First School and the Ministry of Defence on plans to rethink education and community provision on the Broom Farm Estate in Windsor.

vii) Requested further investigation of the potential to expand Churchmead School, in consultation with neighbouring local authorities.