Issue - decisions

Budget 2024/25

21/02/2024 - Budget 2024/25

AGREED: That Cabinet reviewed the Council’s approach to balancing the budget and agreed and recommend that Council approved:


i)               The net budget for 2024/25 of £118.721m as set out in the main body of the report.

ii)             Fees and Charges for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix F to the Report.

iii)            The Flexible Use of Capital Receipts for the purposes outlined in Appendix G of the report.

iv)            The statement of MRP policy contained in Appendix H to the report under the heading Minimum Revenue Provision

v)             The Capital Strategy 2024/25 as set out in Appendix H to the report.

vi)            The consolidated Capital Programme for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix I

vii)          That delegated authority is given to the Executive Director of Place and the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance to approve the inclusion of the proposed PSDS project, subject to business case.

viii)         The breakdown of projects with the highway resurfacing programme as detailed in Appendix J to the report.

ix)            The breakdown of projects within the footway maintenance and construction programme as detailed in Appendix J to the report.

x)             The Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix K to the report, including the Treasury Management Policies and Lending Counterparty Criteria

xi)            The prudential indicators as set out in Appendix K to the report, including the Operational and Authorised limits for external borrowing.

xii)          The allocation of the £165.017m Dedicated Schools Grant as set out in Appendix L to the report.

xiii)         The updated Pay Policy Statement for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix M to the report.

xiv)         An edit to the budget that showed the following lines in Fees & charges as *For Consultation* - Outdoor Facilities - Football, Rugby, Cricket, and Lawn Tennis, with the final increase in fee to be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities & Leisure.