Petition Display

Stop the development of four new homes in the back gardens of 6

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to stop the development of four new homes in the back gardens of Linden Avenue

We are concerned residents who urge the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to reject the proposed Planning application Ref: 12/00866/FULL
This is the second time we have called on your support to stop development on this important green space within the Furze Platt Conservation Area. The first application was rejected unanimously by the Councillors. We now need an even greater level of support to stop any development now or in the future.
The proposed development will:-
1. Add significantly to traffic congestion on Linden Avenue and increase
the risks to children going to and from local schools.
2. Introduce a totally inappropriate housing estate right into the heart of the
existing Furze Platt Triangle Conservation Area.
3. Add significant pressures to the ability of local schools to accept children
from the catchment area.
4. Damage the local ecology with up to thirty trees being destroyed. The site is
home to a wide variety of wildlife.
With the proposal to develop the Furze Platt Secondary School in the future
this green space becomes even more important.
5. Add a precedent to build more homes in back gardens and encourage house
demolition in the area.

Started by: Piers Alington

This ePetition ran from 13/04/2012 to 05/06/2012 and has now finished.

154 people signed this ePetition.