Petition Display

Defend the unanimous decision of the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel with whatever resource (legal and otherwise) necessary to fully and adequately protect our town from the proposed gross overdevelopment at the forthcoming appeal of (cont)

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to defend the unanimous decision of the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel with whatever resource (legal and otherwise) necessary to fully and adequately protect our town from the proposed gross overdevelopment at the forthcoming appeal of planning application 18/00095/FULL.

On 20th June, Windsor councillors, with the full support of the community, unanimously rejected the proposed gross overdevelopment at Alma Road. These plans constituted up to seven storeys of flats and offices, with no affordable housing provision, immediately adjacent to a conservation area and non-designated heritage assets. Furthermore, woefully inadequate parking was proposed in an area of acute shortage.
An unprecedented number of objections were received by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead from local residents on a wide range of substantive issues and residents were glad that they were supported unanimously by their councillors at panel.
For the appeal on the extant application on the site, the appeal was inadequately resourced by the Royal Borough. Windsor residents demand that resources appropriate to the scale of legal challenge, and the damage the proposed development would do to the fabric of our town if allowed, are mobilised at the appeal, both legal and otherwise.

Started by: Cllr Jack Rankin

This ePetition ran from 20/06/2018 to 21/08/2018 and has now finished.

1139 people signed this ePetition.