Petition Display

Create a Windsor Town Council, within the current unparished boundaries of Windsor, to better represent the local needs of Windsor people and to put Windsor on an equal footing with neighbouring areas

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to create a Windsor Town Council, within the current unparished boundaries of Windsor, to better represent the local needs of Windsor people and to put Windsor on an equal footing with neighbouring areas.

The unparished area of Windsor has a population of 32, 207
There is one Borough Councillor per nearly 3,000 residents across the unparished area.
Windsor is a beautiful town of international significance. Despite this, it has not had its own council since 1972, when it was merged with Maidenhead, a town it shares little in common with. Because Windsor is small, having only about 32,000 residents out of 150,000 across the borough, its issues have not always been given due attention by a council centred on Maidenhead.
The ward boundary changes at the last council elections in May 2019 have further reduced the representation of Windsor to just 8 out of 41 borough councillors. Many of the new wards do not reflect the communities in Windsor and make many feel unrepresented.
Windsor is ‘unparished’. This means that the most local layer of government is missing (unlike most of the rest of the borough) and that funds raised by the new Community Infrastructure Levy (paid for by property developers and very significant) are not kept in the town. It is important that Windsor does not miss out further.

Started by: Richard Endacott

This ePetition ran from 27/06/2019 to 27/12/2019 and has now finished.

740 people signed this ePetition.