Petition Display

Improve cycling routes along Slough Road due to Covid19

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to Improve cycling routes along Slough Road due to Covid19

A restructure of the shared cycle and pedestrian lanes on Slough Road through to Eton High St.
Right sided pavement needs more spacing and easy access when crossing the road. Prioritize this side for cyclists.
Also cut down the main speed limit to 30 and then 20 near the roundabout .This will also encourage more cyclists to use the road
Before the roundabout towards the M4 there should be an island to allow cyclists to cross over safely to the recommended path and ensure grassy areas or trees are tarmaced to allow an unobstructed pathway.
Clear signage and markings for 2 metre distancing as more pedestrians and cyclists are not social distancing on this route.
The one way marking on Eton Bridge has faded and there should be a coloured cycle path when exiting the bridge.

Started by: Jaspal Dhariwal

This ePetition ran from 17/05/2020 to 26/11/2020 and has now finished.

8 people signed this ePetition.