Petition Display

Preserve the green space adjacent to 59 Hemwood Road for the use and enjoyment of the residents

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to preserve the green space adjacent to 59 Hemwood Road for the use and enjoyment of the residents

The land adjacent to 59 Hemwood Road has sold, and planning permission is being sought to build on this green space, reference 20/02142/FULL.
The land has been used and enjoyed by the local residents for many years. Any development of the site would be to the detriment of the local community, and the look and feel of Rowland Close in which the land predominantly lies.
We petition that this land is preserved as green space for the continued enjoyment and use of local residents. It provides a valuable recreational amenity for all, a play area for children, an area for rainfall runoff on a steep hill to prevent flooding, and enhances the overall character of the area.

Started by: Daniel Lingard

This ePetition ran from 09/09/2020 to 25/09/2020 and has now finished.

144 people signed this ePetition.