Petition Display

Turn down the resubmitted planning application 16/03056 for fivefold expansion of the permitted capacity of Waste Transfer Station at Kimbers Lane

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to turn down the resubmitted planning application 16/03056 for fivefold expansion of the permitted capacity of Waste Transfer Station at Kimbers Lane

We, local residents strongly object to this application which disregards all objections & concerns raised previously by our local residents. Apart from increased commercial traffic in a residential area, and increased noise, dust and obnoxious odour implications, the proposal will impose adverse and grave safety impact to private vehicles, walkers, runners & cyclists, parents with push chairs & prams, wheelchairs & disabled persons and dog handlers who regularly use Kimbers Lane and Spring Lane for the only access to Ockwells through A404(M) pedestrian footbridge. This will further be aggravated by the imminent substantial residential development proposed south of Harvest Hill Road.
Kimbers Lane and Spring Lane are the only 2 access roads to this site, and have no footpaths or suitable verges for public use. They are very narrow and steep, with blind bends and serious icing problems in winter months, imposing grave danger to those using these lanes for pedestrian access to the other side of the motorway.

Started by: Helal Stephan

This ePetition ran from 25/02/2021 to 22/03/2021 and has now finished.

60 people signed this ePetition.