Petition Display

Stop further over development of Imperial Road with the removal of single dwelling family homes being replaced with multi-occupancy homes

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to Stop further over development of Imperial Road with the removal of single dwelling family homes being replaced with multi-occupancy homes.

We the undersigned petition RBWM Planning Dept against allowing further over development of our road as we are continually being subjected to developer proposals for our family homes in replacing them with multi-occupancy dwellings. From Summer 2014 the two completed developments have increased resident traffic by 95% (21 vehicles) on 2 out of the 12 plots from the Oakbridge Day Centre to the Peel Close entry. Now there is a further two developments going to Panel with an increment of 27 resident vehicles. An additional 48 vehicles crossing the pavement on a daily basis compromising our children's safety as they make their way to schools on Imperial Road and beyond. The road is an urban clearway. None of the proposals have considered visitor parking, with potential for traffic restrictions due to illegal parking or worse still traffic enforcement. These buildings in scale and density will leave us with characterless surroundings.
Please support us in signing this petition.

Started by: Sandra McCann

This ePetition ran from 15/01/2015 to 16/04/2015 and has now finished.

133 people signed this ePetition.