Petition Display

Work with the Olympic Development Authority (ODA) and actively support the 2012 legacy proposal for the building of a permanent bridge(s) from Sutherland Grange Park to the North Bank of the River Thames

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to work with the Olympic Development Authority (ODA) and actively support the 2012 legacy proposal for the building of a permanent bridge(s) from Sutherland Grange Park to the North Bank of the River Thames.

The ODA wish to build a temporary bridge from the west end of Windsor Racecourse to the North Bank of the Thames for the rowing event in 2012. We believe this should be a permanent bridge as a 2012 legacy in line with Government policy. This, linked with a smaller, new bridge from Sutherland Grange, will allow permanent access to the North Bank. We wish for RBWM Council to actively support this objective. For more details go to

Started by: Mike Moss

This ePetition ran from 23/12/2010 to 24/06/2011 and has now finished.

370 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

Petition update 2 from the council, 17 July 2012 Dear Supporter, about his time last year you signed the e-petition for the Permanent Footbridge across the Thames, contributing to over 2,500 signatures on all our petitions. Recently we have had agreement in principle from RBWM for the bridge to be located on Sutherland Grange, subject to planning permission and funding etc.

RBWM have recently published their Participatory Budget which includes an option to vote for some initial funding for development of the Windsor 2012 Legacy Footbridge (from Dedworth - Sutherland Grange - to the North Bank of the Thames). You have the opportunity until 31st July to vote to determine whether this ‘seedcorn’ investment is made. With the money from the Participatory Budget the Group will be able to develop the concept further and prepare for a planning application, essential for getting the future funds needed (future funding will be sought from sources such as the lottery, companies, benefactors and the public through a ‘buy a plank’ scheme).

To vote go to and choose the 'Vote for your favourite project' box in the upper left centre of the page. Click the 'online questionnaire' link and od the questionanire. The first page of the questionnaire gives you 10 choices (bridge not among them) but on the second page choose 'Windsor' them the third page will allow you to vote for the bridge by giving it no 1 choice.

For more details please visit

Please tell your friends and colleagues


Windsor 2012 Legacy Group

Petition update 1 from the council, 23 May 2011, while petition was still open This email is sen on behalf of the Windsor 2012 Legacy Group

Windsor 2012 Legacy Bridge - Please Vote for the Bridge!

Dear Supporter, thank you for signing the e-petition for the Permanent Footbridge across the Thames. RBWM have recently published their Participatory Budget which includes an option to vote for some initial funding for development of the Windsor 2012 Permanent Legacy Footbridge. You have the opportunity over the next three weeks to vote to determine whether this ‘seedcorn’ investment is made. With the money from the Participatory Budget we will be able to develop the concept further and prepare for a planning application, essential for getting the future funds needed (future funding will be sought from sources such as the lottery, companies, benefactors and the public through a ‘buy a plank’ scheme). Full public consultation and presentations will start in September.

To vote go to and choose the 'online questionnaire' half way down the page. The first page of the questionnaire gives you 10 choices (bridge not among them) but on the second page choose 'Windsor' them the third page will allow you to vote for the bridge by giving it no 1 choice.

For a picture of the latest iconic concept design option visit our web-site

Thanks again for your support. We have achieved over 2012 signatres to date

Mike Moss

on behalf of the Windsor 2012 Legacy Group