Petition Display

Guarantee that at least 30% of future housing developments on Council owned land are affordable

We the undersigned petition the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to guarantee that at least 30% of future housing developments on Council owned land are affordable.

We are mindful of recent decisions to agree planning permission without the 30% affordable housing being included, where developers have used the "viability" clause and we believe that any developer of Council owned land needs to be made aware at the outset that the commitment to 30% affordable housing is not negotiable. We further believe that the 30% affordable housing criteria for the proposed Golf Club redevelopment must include enough social housing for all the current RBWM housing waiting list.

Started by: J Smith

This ePetition ran from 22/04/2018 to 23/07/2018 and has now finished.

189 people signed this ePetition.