Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST'

  • Councillor Amy Tisi - Personal - Declared a personal interest in item 8 in that she had previously discussed her opinions on the allocation of sites in the Borough Local Plan, including this application site, although this was before she had been elected as a councillor. She stated that she was attending Panel with an open mind.
  • Councillor Christine Bateson - Personal - Declared a personal interest in item 11 as her husband had received a pension from British Airways Trust Ltd, and the receipts had passed to her following his death. She stated that the proposals would not affect her pension in any way, and stated that she had been advised she would be able to take part in the discussions on this item.
  • Councillor David Hilton - Personal - Declared a personal interest in items 4 and 6 as his wife was a member of Sunninghill and Ascot Parish Council, which had considered both applications. In addition he stated that he had been a parish councillor when item 4 was discussed. He stated that he was attending Panel with an open mind.
  • Councillor Jon Davey - Personal - Declared a personal interest in item 7 as he knew the registered speaker. He stated that he was attending Panel with an open mind.
  • Councillor Julian Sharpe - Personal - Stated for the purposes of openness and clarity that his wife was chairman of Sunninghill and Ascot Parish Council, although he had no involvement with this council.