Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'

  • Councillor John Bowden - Other statement - Councillor Bowden declared that he was a Ward Councillor for Eton & Castle, where all 3 applications fell under. He added that in 2017, he also sat on the panel that granted the original planning permission to the property in applications 21/02367/FULL & 21/02368/LBC. He added that he had also attended public and private meetings at the location of the application 21/02063/FULL. He noted that he was attending the meeting with an open mind and was merely declaring this for transparency.
  • Councillor Jon Davey - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Councillor Davey declared that he had a disclosable pecuniary interest in application 21/02063/FULL, having launched a publication with the premises sponsoring it in November 2021. He stated that he would leave the room and not participate in voting on this application.
  • Councillor Shamsul Shelim - Other statement - Councillor Shelim also declared that he was a Ward Councillor for Eton & Castle, where all 3 applications fell under. This was merely for transparency and he attended the meeting with an open mind.