Agenda item


To consider the Head of Planning’s report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module at



The Panel considered the Head of Planning and Development’s report on planning applications and received updates in relation to a number of applications, following the publication of the agenda.


NB: *Updates were received in relation to planning applications marked with an asterisk.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the order of business as detailed in the agenda, be amended.


Item 5




Temporary RBWM Car Park

Vicus Way



Erection of five storey split-deck multi-storey car park with access and associated landscaping following removal of existing slab and hardstanding (Regulation 3 application).

Councillor Love proposed to defer the application till the next Panel meeting on Monday 17 December 2018 to enable the considered review of the additional transport information on the roundabouts, lighting, footpaths and daylighting to the flats. Also after a 14 day consultation on the additional information. This was seconded by Councillor Kellaway.  Contrary to the officer recommendation, panel members were of the view that the additional information was relevant and it was important the decision was taken in public due to the level of interest.


A named vote was carried out. Six Councillors voted for the proposal. (Councillors Kellaway, Love, Sharp, Smith, Walters and Wilson). Councillor Hunt voted against the proposal and Councillors Bullock and Stretton abstained from voting.


Councillor Stretton had proposed refusal but this was not seconded.


It was Agreed that the application would be deferred until the next Panel meeting on Monday 17 December 2018.


(The Panel was addressed by Antigoni, Stefen and Alexander Konig, Georgina Darley, Sarah Storey and Mandy Rai, Objectors. The applicant, Matthew Blythin also addressed the Panel.)

Item 3




Development at King Street And Queen Street And Broadway



Hybrid planning application for the mixed use redevelopment of the site comprising; up to 41,430sq.m GEA residential (Class C3); up to 13,007sq.m GEA office (Class B1) and up to 3,846sq.m GEA flexible retail, office, community and leisure floorspace (Class A1 - A5, B1, D1 and D2), public realm and open space, parking, vehicular access, new servicing arrangements and associated works following the demolition of all buildings on site. Full planning permission for the demolition of all existing buildings on site, site preparation, the construction of three buildings to provide 344 residential homes (Class C3), one building to provide 7,007sq.m GEA of office floorspace (Class B1) and 2,196sq.m GEA of flexible retail, office, community and leisure floorspace (Class A1 - A5, B1, D1 and D2) across four buildings, car and cycle parking, plant and storage, public realm works and landscaping, podium terraces, vehicular access off Broadway, new servicing arrangements and associated works. Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) is sought for site preparation, the construction of two buildings to provide for up to 1,650sq.m GEA of flexible retail, office, community and leisure floorspace (Class A1 - A5, B1, D1 and D2) and up to 6,000sq.m GEA office floorspace (Class B1) and up to 9,300sq.m GEA residential floorspace (Class C3), basement car parking, cycle parking, plant and storage, public realm works and landscaping, new servicing arrangements and associated works.

Councillor Love proposed to permit the application against the recommendation of the Head of Planning and this was seconded by Councillor Smith. It would be delegated to the Head Of Planning to draft conditions and complete the legal agreement. It was agreed that the benefits of the scheme, the construction jobs and other economic benefits together with the fact that this site is key to the town’s development with reference to paragraph 7.11.1 of the officer report, out-weighed the harm identified under paragraphs 7.11.1, 7.11.2, 7.11.9 and 8.2.  It was agreed that the height of the proposed buildings was acceptable in this location.  It was agreed to delegate the securing of a section 106 agreement and the conditions to the head of planning to negotiate with the applicant and then approve the application.


A named vote was carried out. Six Councillors voted for the proposal. (Councillors Bullock, Kellaway, Love, Smith, Walters and Wilson). Councillors Sharp and Stretton voted against the proposal and Councillor Hunt abstained from voting.


It was Agreed that the application be permitted.


(The Panel were addressed by the Applicants Agent, Steve Sanham and a local resident,  Charn Gill).

Item 1




Clean Linen Services

54 Furze Platt Road




Redevelopment over six blocks to provide 46 x two bedroom flats and 15 x one bedroom flats with new vehicular and pedestrian access, associated parking, landscaping and amenity space following the demolition of the existing industrial buildings.

Councillor Sharp proposed to permit the application against the Officers recommendation and this was seconded by Councillor Love. The reasons given were that the site was in a highly sustainable location, the site is contaminated, the NPPF indicates that changes in demand for land should be reflected in their use.  The site takes around 12% of the area of the overall industrial estate and provides new homes. It would be delegated to the Head of Planning to draft conditions to submit full details of the drainage system, address water concerns, dust management, ground decontamination and the asbestos concerns and the legal document for affordable housing. All pre commencement conditions to be subject to the prior agreement of the applicant.


A named vote was carried out. Eight Councillors voted for the application to be deferred and delegated to the Head of Planning to address the conditions listed above and departure from the local plan. (Bullock, Hunt, Kellaway, Love, Sharp, Smith, Stretton and Walters). Councillor Wilson abstained from voting.


The reasons to grant permission for the two following reasons:

·         Existing building not fit for purpose.

·         The inherent constraints of the site, including contamination and level changes, render the site non-viable for redevelopment for employment purposes.


The Panel Agreed to permit the application.


(The Panel were addressed by Tracey Puttock, Applicant)

Item 2




157 Grenfell Road




12 x 2-bed and 3 x 1-bed flats following demolition of the existing dwelling and associated buildings.

Councillor Stretton proposed to refuse the application as per the officers recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Walters.


It was requested that the word “North” be added into reason 2 in the Officers report.


The Panel voted Unanimous to refuse the application.


(The Panel were addressed by Mark Pick, Owen Mellard and Mr Hermon, Objectors and Stephen Matthews, Applicant).

Item 6




Equestrian Site

Hardings Farm

Hills Lane




Two detached dwellings following demolition of existing stables and equestrian storage buildings

Councillor Kellaway proposed to refuse the application as per the officers recommendation in the Panel update. This was seconded by Councillor Walters.


Eight Panel Members voted to refuse the application. (Bullock, Kellaway, Love, Sharp, smith, Stretton, Walters and Wilson). Councillor Hunt abstained from voting.


The Panel voted to Refuse the application.


(The Panel was addressed by Mike Smith, Objector, Dick Scarff, Cookham Society and Ifti Maniar, Applicants Agent)

Item 7




Land to the West of Mulberry

Coningsby Lane




Change of use of the land to joint agricultural and equestrian use.


Councillor Hunt proposed to permit the application as per the officers recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Kellaway.


The Panel requested an additional condition requiring submission and approval of a surface water drainage strategy and an informative for signposting public rights of way.


The Panel Agreed Unanimously to permit the application.


(The Panel was address by Patricia Cuss, Objector and Tom Mccarde, Applicant)

Item 8




Telecommunications Mast at Junction of Boyn Hill Road Clare Road



Installation of a replacement 15m slimline pole supporting 3no shrouded antennas together with ancillary development thereto.

Councillor Stretton proposed to permit the application as per the officers recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Walters. The Panel requested an informative drawing attention to interference to TV signal to occupants of adjacent flats from existing mast.


The Panel voted Unanimous to refuse the application.


(The Panel was addressed by Natalie Pullin, Objector)

Item 4 was Withdrawn



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