Agenda item


The Forum is to go through the action points in the minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2023 and approve them as a true and accurate record.


The Chair went through the actions from the last meeting:





A motion to be forwarded at Full Council to change the name of Windsor Town Forum to ‘Windsor Forum’.


COMPLETED – A motion was passed at Full Council on 26th September 2023 in support of the name change.

Vision for Windsor to return to the next Forum meeting in November 2023.


Vision for Windsor was added to the agenda but the presenting officer, Chris Joyce, had to pull out before the meeting. As a result, the item was not covered in the meeting.

ACTION: Shasta Parveen to forward answers to the following queries on:

       Whether the new technologies would decrease the likelihood of latencies (delays) in wireless connection, for example, in the garden or certain parts of a house.

       Investigate any works on improving broadband connectivity on Park Street and Prescott Street as part of the Digital Adoption Strategy.

       Internet access for a local business near the B Road off Dedworth Road.

       Whether the Local Enterprise Partnership could anything to encourage service providers to offer shorter-term contracts in regard contracts in rental properties which do not cost a fortune.

       Whether there was any work being done to address the issue of internet capacity and whether signal blockers around Windsor Castle played a role in this.

       Which streets in Windsor would be prioritised for the roll out of FFTTP and when this would happen.

       What areas of Windsor would the roll out of FFTTP be implemented, whether the Town Centre or wider Windsor, and including the rural areas of Eton.


COMPLETED – Answers were provided in the Q/A sheet attached to the agenda.



The Chair notified the Forum that Chris Joyce,Assistant Director of Infrastructure Sustainability and Economic Growth, was unable to attend the meeting nor provide a written update on the Windsor Vision. He was also unable arrange for someone else to substitute him to present the item as well. As a result, the Vision for Windsor item would not be covered in the meeting. She hoped to the item would return to the meeting in January 2024.


ACTION: Vision for Windsor to return to the next Forum meeting in January 2024.


Councillor W. Da Costa raised a couple of points relation to the minutes. He first stated that the minutes should state that he would work with officers to search for funding for the Forum rather than doing it himself only. He said he had not heard from any officers and that he made contact with Louise Freeth, Assistant Director of Revenues Benefits Library and Resident Services, to chase up about where the Forum could acquire finance for community activities and that he would continue to push this forward.


Councillor W. Da Costa’s second point was in relation to Andrew Durrant, Executive Director of Place Services, to investigate opening the coach park to improve access from Footbridge to The Arches through the use of Welcome to Windsor. He expressed disappointment with the response from Andrew Durrant whereby there were no further plans at the moment because the focus was to deal with the dilapidated state of the Footbridge and lift. Councillor W. Da Costa added that he had spoken to some of the businesses under The Arches and stated that they were willing to help fund any opening of the Coach Park which would then shorten walking distances. He stated that he would chase this up with Andrew Durrant and potentially discuss with Paul Roach, Windsor and Eton Town Centre Manager.


AGREED UNANIMOUSLY: That the minutes of the meetings held on 19th September 2023 were a true and accurate record.

Supporting documents: