Agenda item

Planning Applications (decision)

To consider the Director of Development & Regeneration / Development Control Manager’s report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link. or from Democratic Services on 01628 796251 or



Application      Applicant and Proposed Development


15/03843         Mr Douglas – GSMD Ltd: Redevelopment to provide 11 x dwellings with ancillary parking and new access road, following demolition of existing buildings at 95 Straight Road, Old Windsor – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application and defer and delegate to the Borough Planning Manager, with the additional conditions:


·         That the stable wall along the eastern boundary is retained and the proposed wooden fence replaced with a continued brick wall, in order to maintain the character of the area

·         That the pedestrian walkways are permanently monitored to ensure they are in good condition, in order to reduce the risk of flooding


An informative about a management company or a requirement to be involved in a residents’ association was also agreed.


(The Panel was addressed by Mike Roberts, who raised no objections, and by PCllr Jane Dawson in favour of the application)


16/01108         Mr Vali: Construction of double garage (retrospective) as approved under planning permission 15/01962 without complying with condition 5 (balcony screening) to vary the wording, at Friary House, 6 Friary Island, Friary Road, Wraysbury, Staines, TW19 5JR – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application, with the additional conditions:


·         That the railings around the Juliette balcony be a minimum of 1.2 metres in height

·         That there is no access to the balcony, save for maintenance purposes


16/01120         Mr Hothi: Single storey rear extension, replacement roof with habitable accommodation, 1 x front and 1 x rear dormers with amendments to fenestration. (Retrospective) at Watersmeet House, 18 Kingswood Creek, Wraysbury, Staines, TW19 5EN – THE PANEL VOTED to APPROVE the application, with the additional condition:


·         That inclusion of steps, raised decking or a patio be removed from the permitted development rights


An informative about being considerate to neighbours and agreeing a construction management plan was also agreed.


Four councillors voted in favour of the motion (Cllrs Bateson, Beer, Hilton and Lenton) and one voted against the motion (Cllr Rayner).


(The Panel was addressed by Robert Obbard, objecting)


16/01165         Mr Forster: Two storey rear, single storey rear, single storey front infill, first floor side extensions, conversion of loft to form additional habitable accommodation, 3 rear and 2 front roof lights and amendments to fenestration at Mandalay, Burleigh Road, Ascot SL5 8ES – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application, with the additional condition:


·         That the conservatory be demolished prior to the occupancy of the extension.


(The Panel was addressed by Gillian Harwood, objecting, and Andrew Forster, the applicant)


16/01482         Sunningdale Ladies Golf Club: erection of an indoor golf coaching facility at Sunningdale Ladies Golf Club, Cross Road, Sunningdale, SL5 9RX – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application and defer and delegate to the Borough Planning Manager, subject to approval of the Tree Plan.


                        (The Panel was addressed by Mark Leedale, for the applicant)


16/01656         Mr Singh: Variation to planning permission 16/00300 without complying with condition 4 (tree protection plan), 7 (sustainability), 8 (management plan) and to amend the wording of the conditions, at 68 Ouseley Road, Wraysbury, TW19 5JH – THE PANEL VOTED to APPROVE the application and defer and delegate to the Borough Planning Manager, subject to a satisfactory tree protection plan and arboricultural method statement and landscaping plan being submitted by August 17th or with conditions to secure these if not received by August 17th. Condition to ensure build is per approved plans.


Four councillors voted in favour of the motion (Cllrs Bateson, Beer, Hilton and Lenton) and one voted against the motion (Cllr Rayner).


                        Cllr Lenton proposed a motion to defer the application until the next Panel meeting, but there was no seconder and the motion fell.


                        (The Panel was addressed by Mrs Elliot, objecting, and Mrs Bedi, for the agent)


16/01680         Kebbell Homes Ltd: Erection of 6 x 3 bed apartments with basement parking at The Little House, Charters Road, Sunningdale, SL5 9QF – THE PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application, subject to the following change of conditions:


·         That condition 3 be amended, so that the railings at the back of the site are the same as those shown on the plan on the front.


An informative about the contractor proving they had not damaged the road during the construction work, and money to be paid in the event of any damage being caused, was agreed.


The Planning Officer declared a personal interest in the item as she had a connection to someone involved with the application. She left the room while the item was discussed by the Panel.

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