Agenda item

Indoor Sports Strategy and the Playing Pitch Strategy

A report on the Indoor Sports Strategy and the Playing Pitch Strategy by Kevin Mist, Head of Communities & Economic Development and Helen Preedy, Sports Development Officer.


Kevin Mist, Head of Communities and Economic Development, introduced the Indoor Sports Strategy and the Playing Pitch Strategy. KKP Leisure Consultancy were commissioned to take the work forward. The Sport England guide package was followed to replace the existing strategies. It had taken nine months to undertake the work. The Borough Local Plan, CIL, S106 and the Sport England Capital had all been given consideration in the developments of these strategies. The external partners involved included Sport England, National Governing Bodies of Sport, Get Berkshire Active, sports clubs, Legacy Leisure, schools and other education establishments. Kevin Mist continued and went through the main recommendations of the strategies.


Helen Preedy, Sports Development Officer, informed the Panel of the facility projects completed with the previous strategies. These included:

          Upgraded Gym and Changing Room at Charters

          Furze Platt and Cox Green Leisure Centres and Astro-Turfs

          Upgrade of the flumes at the Magnet

          The Maidenhead Rugby Club 4G Astro pitch

          Ascot United FC-Clubhouse

          Windsor Archers- Clubhouse

          Clewer Recreation Ground MUPA

          Grenfell Park MUPA

          Desborough Skate Park

          Windsor LC Gym Extension


The new strategies should see the following projects supported:

          New Sports Development Programmes meeting the needs of the community and able to access new and upgraded facilities

          More Partnership working to develop and open up venue spaces

          Accessing funding to meet the current and future demand for sports facilities

          New/Upgraded Sports Facilities that are fit for purpose

          Existing and new sports clubs increasing membership 


Helen Preedy continued to explain the impacts on residents which included the health impacts, economic impacts and the social and cultural impacts.


The Chairman asked how the progress would be monitored and reviewed and was advised that a steering group would be put together to commit to and monitor and keep alive.


Councillor Grey highlighted an issue that had been expressed to him by a number of residents. A coach for the under 9’s athletics coach at the Thames Valley Athletics Centre gave up their position and ended the athletics club. This was very deflating for the children.


ACTION: Kevin Mist to investigate the issue and report back to Councillor Grey.


Councillor McWilliams asked who maintained the quality of the school local pitches, was it the local authority or the schools. Kevin Mist informed the Panel that there were different plans set up for different schools. The local authority maintained schools were funded and supported by the Dedicated Schools Grant funding. The academies had very different set ups in place which reflected the individual funding operations. Charters School had a joint proposal where the local authority undertook the cutting of the grass and Legacy Leisure maintained all of the all-weather pitches. At Cox Green School, all the grass pitches were maintained by Legacy Leisure. The Furze Platt grass pitches were maintained by the local authority. The drainage needed some improvement when the funding was available. This was going to be a significant investment.


Councillor Edward Wilson was concerned that there were currently many types of contracts in place. Councillor E Wilson explained that there was a new proposal in the Education Bill that during 125 years of lease, schools would be able to dispose of up to £250K value of the asset without reference to the Borough.


Kevin Mist explained that the local authority held legally binding contracts with the Academies stating that the facilities could be used by local residents during certain times.


Councillor Grey felt it was more important to consider the objectives and benefits and not whether the schools were academies or not.


The Chairman highlighted that as long as there was value for money and this was being scrutinised, it was acceptable. Councillor E Wilson inquired how the scrutiny was going to take place. Russell O’Keefe, Strategic Director Corporate & Community Services, informed the Panel that providing access in those parts of the borough to residents was essential and all contracts were managed and scrutinised as all other contracts were.


Kevin Mist informed the Panel that it was difficult to apply one rule to all as all differed.


The Chairman requested that a note was prepared clarifying where the borough were providing funds and to highlight that it was providing value.


ACTION: Kevin Mist to take forward.


Councillor E Wilson supported the strategies and that the proposals should be double checked that they were legal and controlled by the local authority with proper scrutiny and checks.


Councillor E Wilson continued to point out that the strategies read more as planning documents. There had not been much interaction with Members. The Chairman informed the Panel that all Members could, through the lead Member, put their ideas across.


The Chairman summed up the discussion by supporting the strategies highlighting that as a document, it was a good piece of work, aspirational and very comprehensive. There was a lot of work to deliver and specific checks on all agreements.


The Chairman agreed and supported the strategies and this was seconded by Councillor McWilliams.

Supporting documents: