Agenda item


To consider the Borough Planning Managers report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link.


The Panel considered the Borough Planning Manager’s report on planning applications and received updates in relation to a number of applications, following the publication of the agenda.


NB: *Updates were received in relation to planning applications marked with an asterisk.


Item 1



The Lawns Guest House

6 Boyn Hill Avenue Maidenhead



Change of use from C1 (guest house) to C3 (residential) to provide 7 x 2 bed and 1 x 1 bed flats with two storey rear extension, alterations and extension to roof to provide additional habitable accommodation with amendments to fenestration.


The Officers recommendation to permit the application was put forward by Councillor Stretton  and seconded by Councillor Walters.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Rosemary Harper, Applicant)

Item 2



17 Castle Hill Maidenhead


Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with 12no. apartments and modifications to existing gatehouse (retained as a 1-bedroom dwelling), associated parking and landscaping.


Councillor Love put forward a motion to refuse the

Officer’s recommendation on the grounds of harm to character of the surrounding area (DG1), failure to enhance or preserve the character and appearance of the Conservation Area (CA2) and damage to character and amenity owing to scale and density (H11). It was also agreed that the order to assess the provisions of the NPPF be delegated to the Borough Planning Manager. This was seconded by Councillor Walters.


Nine Councillors (Councillors Burbage, Bullock, Clark, Kellaway, Love, Sharp, Smith, Stretton and Walters) voted for the motion. Councillors Coppinger, Saunders and Wilson abstained from voting.


The PANEL VOTED that the application be REFUSED against the officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Mr Stephen Pyne, Objector and Mr Thomas Rumble, Applicants Agent).

Item 3



94 - 96 High Street Maidenhead

Erection of 3 storey building comprising retail and 8 x 1 bedroom apartments following demolition of existing retail units.


The Officers recommendation to permit the application was put forward by Councillor Coppinger and seconded by Councillor Wilson.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Ms Emily Temple, Applicants Agent).

Item 4



Colemans Solicitors

21 Marlow Road Maidenhead


Extension of existing building by altering second floor and adding third and fourth floor and penthouse floor, change of use from offices to create 7 no 1 bed and 7 no 2 bed apartments with gym and management office at basement level with external alterations (amendments to planning permission 16/00909/FULL).


The Officers recommendation to permit the application was put forward by Councillor Burbage  and seconded by Councillor Smith.


A named vote was carried out, six councillors (Councillors Burbage, Bullock, Clark, Coppinger, Saunders and Smith) voted for the motion and five councillors (Kellaway, Love, Sharp, Walters and Wilson) voted against the motion.


The PANEL VOTED that the application be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation with the informative that officers suggest moving the cycle shed.





Supporting documents: