Agenda item


To consider the Head of Planning’s report on planning applications



Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site

plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing

the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following

link. or from Democratic Services on

01628 796251 or




Sehlbach And Whiting Ltd Exclusive House

Oldfield Road




Proposed residential redevelopment to provide 37 new apartments.


A motion to Defer and Delegate approval to Head of Panel subject to agreement of planning conditions in association with the Chair of the Borough-wide Panel and Councillors Hill and Wilson and try to secure one affordable housing unit instead of 0.48. And to ensure a condition was attached to require the recording of any heritage significance removed from the site. This motion was put forward by Councillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Hill.


The reasons for going against Officers recommendation included:


A number of sites along Oldfield Road have recently been approved to change from employment land to housing. There has been a change to the character of the area over time and therefore there is a strong case for residential development on the site.


Viability and marketing reports submitted with the application concludes that the redevelopment of this site should be residential led.


Members considered that a flood evacuation plan would be acceptable to mitigate flood risk to future occupiers and it is noted that the EA have not objected to the scheme. Weight was also given to the Jubilee Flood defence.


Given that Historic England has confirmed that the building was not worthy of Listing members raised no objection to its loss.


The local experience of one of the ward members indicated the Vacant Building Credit should be applied.


Given the surrounding buildings e.g. Burley Court development (Miller Homes ) similar number of storeys the building not considered too big


Nine Panel Members (Councillors Bateson, Bicknell, Bowden, Grey, Hill, Hunt, Kellaway, C Rayner and D Wilson) voted in favour for this motion. Five Panel members (Councillors Alexander, Beer, L Evans, Hilton and Saunders) voted against the motion and Councillor Burbage abstained from voting.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Corne Van Der Breggen, Objector and Gary McGee, Applicants Agent).




Former British Gas Site Bridge Road


Demolition of two existing redundant cottages and redevelopment of the former Sunninghill Gasworks site to provide 53 residential houses, 24 residential apartments and 4 residential coach houses (Class C3) including the provision of new pedestrian and vehicular accesses and routes, car parking, landscaping, open space, remediation and associated works.


A motion to Refuse the application, as per the Officer’s recommendation, was put forward by Councillor Hilton and seconded by Councillor Bateson for all the reasons as detailed in the officers report and no demonstration that a refuse vehicle could adequately service site and furthermore the affordable housing had not been appropriately located and should not have been located all in one area of the development.


Eleven Panel Members (Councillors Alexander, Bateson, Beer, Bicknell, Bowden, L Evans, Grey, Hill, Hilton, Hunt and D Wilson) voted in favour for the motion, three Panel Members voted against (Councillors Burbage, Kellaway and C Rayner) voted against the motion and Councillor Saunders abstained from voting.


The application would have been refused.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Gerald Hyder, Gerald Deacon and Julie Humphrey, Objectors, Patrick Griffin, Local constituted organisation and Steven Gough, Applicant).




Land At Blacknest House Titness Park

London Road




Change of use of land and part of building to Forest School (D2) with new access off private drive off Blacknest Gate Road. Retention of part of building for residential annexe use in connection with Blacknest House.


A motion to Defer and Delegate the application was put forward by Councillor Bicknell and seconded by Councillor Bowden subject to the trees that need to be felled to accommodate the revised visibility splays were surveyed for the potential for bats and that if necessary suitable mitigation was put forward and secured. If this had not been secured in two months then item to return to Panel. The conditions to be restrictive given the Green Belt location had been delegated to the Head of Planning.


The reasons for going against the Officers recommendation included:


The proposal would have limited harm to the Green Belt given the limited number of children and the neighbouring equestrian activity.


The educational and social benefits to the children constituted a case of VSC which clearly overcame the harm to the Green Belt.


Members considered there was no other harm.


With regard to harm to the trees, given the high tree coverage over the site, the loss of trees proposed was not considered harmful.


Members did not consider that surface water drainage was an issue.


Nine Panel Members (Councillors Bateson, Beer, Bicknell, Bowden, Burbage, L Evans, Grey, Kellaway and Saunders) voted for the motion and six panel members (Councillors Alexander, Hill, Hilton, Hunt, C Rayner and D Wilson) voted against the motion.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Kelvin Smith, Objector, Margaret Morgan, Local constituted organisation and Anne Martin, Applicant).




151 - 153 Clarence Road Windsor

Outline application for up to 14 units with access only to be considered at this stage with all other matters to be reserved for the construction of a 3 storey building with accommodation in the roof and associated car parking and landscaping following demolition of 151 -153 Clarence Road.


A motion to refuse the application, as per the Officer’s recommendation was put forward by Councillor Bowden and seconded by Councillor Bicknell, with the additional reason that the Adopted Local Plan DG1 part 8 and 9.


Due to the narrow access the road cars would have to pull over and wait for a car exiting the site which could cause conflict with the busy approach to the roundabout. As such the scheme had not been designed with adequate access and circulation space.


The Panel Unanimously Agreed to refuse the application.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Jan Mercer, Objector and Chris Colletts, Applicant).



Supporting documents: