Agenda item


To consider the Head of Planning and Development’s report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the order of business as detailed in the agenda be varied.


The Panel considered the Head of Planning and Development’s report on planning applications and received updates in relation to a number of applications, following the publication of the agenda.


NB: *Updates were received in relation to planning applications marked with an asterisk.



Land Rear of 105 To 119 Whyteladyes Lane Cookham Maidenhead

Outline application with all matters reserved  for the erection of 7 affordable houses.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be REFUSED as per the officers panel update report.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Tanya Rushbrooke, objector, Dick Scarf, Cookham Society, Councillor Andrew Nye, Cookham Parish Council and James Copas, Applicant)

*16/00325/OUT Oakland And Donne Mede Harvest Hill Road Maidenhead

Outline application  (access, layout and scale) with some matters reserved for the construction of three detached and two semi-detached dwellings following the demolition of two existing dwellings (Oakland and Donne Mede).


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be DEFERRED and DELEGATED subject to secured updated ecology reports and amended conditions as below:


·         condition 1 to include landscaping

·         Remove conditions 15 and 16.

·         Reword condition 17 to include retention of wall along frontage

·         Condition 20 - Change to an informative (was condition 21 on panel update sheet)

·         Remove condition 21 (was condition 22 on panel update sheet)


as the Panel considered that these conditions were not necessary to make the application acceptable and failed the relevant tests.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Jennifer Leverett and John Kendall, objectors and Terry Platt, Applicants Agent)


Land Adjacent 24 South Road Maidenhead

Erection of 4 x 1bed apartments with improvements to road layout and disabled access.


The PANEL VOTED that the application be PERMITTED as per the officers panel report. The Application was approved subject to the amended conditions as agreed by the Panel and as below:


·         Amend condition 5 to ensure obscure to glazing level 3.

·         Remove conditions 4 and 6


as the Panel considered that these conditions were not necessary to make the application acceptable and failed the relevant tests.


(Seven Councillors  voted in favour of the motion to permit the application (Councillors Bullock, Burbage, Coppinger, Love, Smith, Walters and Wilson). Councillor Hunt abstained from voting.)


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Kris Collett, Applicants Agent)


Diwa 2 Norfolk Road Maidenhead SL6 7EE

Construction of 10 dwellings 3 x 1 bed units and 7 x 2 bed units, with associated parking and amenity provision following demolition of property including outbuilding.


The PANEL VOTED that the application be REFUSED against the officers recommendation and be DELEGATED to the Borough Planning Manager to agree conditions in consultation with the Chairman of the Panel.


The Panel considered that this proposal overcame the Inspectors concerns as the building was now set further back. On balance  the development would have an acceptable impact in the street scene given the surrounding context, was in a sustainable location and contributed towards housing.


(Four Councillors  voted in favour of officers recommendation to reject the application (Councillors Coppinger, Hunt, Love and Walters). Four Councillors voted against the officers recommendation to reject the application (Councillors Bullock, Burbage, Smith and Wilson). The Chairman gave the casting vote to reject the officers recommendation.)


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Paul Butt, Applicants Agent)

*16/00765/FULL Queensgate House 14 - 18 Cookham Road Maidenhead 


Change of use from B1 (Offices) to C3 (Residential), addition of mansard roof to provide 3 x 1 bed and 3 x 2 bed flats.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be PERMITTED as per the officers panel update report. The Application was approved subject to the conditions in the Borough Planning Manager’s report.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Blanca Ibanez and Dr Mariette Grant, objectors and Terry Platt, Applicants Agent)


April Cottage Poundfield Lane Cookham Maidenhead SL6 9RY

Raising of roof with addition of 3 No. front dormers and 2 No. rear dormers, garage conversion to habitable accommodation, single storey rear extension and alterations to front elevation to reposition garage. Amendment to planning permission 15/03699.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be PERMITTED as per the officers panel update report. The Application was approved subject to the conditions in the Borough Planning Manager’s report.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Peter Munday, objector, Dick Scarf, Cookham Society, Councillor Andrew Nye, Cookham Parish Council and James Owen, Applicant)

*16/00909/FULLColemans Solicitors 21 Marlow Road Maidenhead SL6 7AA

Alterations to second floor, addition of third, fourth and penthouse floors, change of use from office to residential to form 10 x 2-bed, 1 x 1-bed and 1 x 3-bed flats with external alterations. (Part retrospective).


The PANEL VOTED that the application be PERMITTED against the officers recommendation and be DELEGATED to the Borough Planning Manager to agree conditions.


The Panel considered that this proposal whilst taller than the previously approved scheme was of higher architectural merit and its set back minimised its impact. Furthermore given it glass construction it would appear less heavy than the previously approved scheme. As such the scheme was considered acceptable and compliant with development plan policies.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Neil Oakley, Applicants Architect)

16/00972/FULL Holyport College Ascot Road Holyport Maidenhead SL6 3LE

Single storey extension to dining hall and single storey extension to sports hall.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be PERMITTED as per the officers report. The Application was approved subject to the conditions in the Borough Planning Manager’s report.



Land Between Lightlands Lane And Strande View Walk And Strande Lane Cookham Maidenhead 

Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a moveable poultry shed is lawful.


The PANEL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY that the application be REFUSED as per the officers panel update report. The Application was refused subject to the conditions in the Borough Planning Manager’s report.


(Speakers: The Panel was addressed by Mark Garrett and Dr Joanna Leach, objectors, David Ashwanden, Cookham Society and Councillor Andrew Nye, Cookham Parish Council).


Supporting documents: