Agenda item

Determination of Planning Applications

To determine the planning applications.


NB: *Updates were received in relation to planning applications marked with an asterisk.


*Item 1



Heatherwood Hospital, London Road, Ascot SL5 8AA

Hybrid planning application comprising: 1) Application for full planning permission for the development of a new Elective Care Hospital and associated Admin Hub with associated parking, vehicle access, highway works, plant and landscaping 2) Application for full planning permission for the change of use of existing building to provide GP Practice, Office, Data Centre and Staff Restaurant in association with the Elective Care Hospital 3) Application for outline planning permission (access and layout determined with all other matters reserved for future consideration) for demolition of existing hospital and redevelopment of up to 250 dwellings with associated vehicle access and highway works 4) Application for full planning permission for the change of use of existing woodland to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) in association with the outline residential planning permission.


Prior to the meeting 10 Councillors had attended a Panel Site Visit which was arranged by the Head of Planning who, along with the agent, applicant, tree officer, case officer, Council ecologist, accompanied the Councillors on the site visit.  This was noted in the Update.


A motion to Defer and Delegate the application to the Head of Planning with a list of issues to be resolved prior to the application proceeding to be referred to the Secretary of State was proposed by Cllr Hilton and seconded by Cllr Dr Evans.  Following a debate on that motion, during which the Panel sought clarification from the Tree Officer that the TPO had been confirmed and taking advice from the Head of Law and Governance that it was a valid approach to progressing the application positively, the Panel voted.  3 Councillors (Cllrs Beer, Dr Evans and Hilton) voted for the motion to defer and delegate and 10 Councillors (Cllrs Alexander, Bateson, Burbage, Bicknell, Coppinger, Hunt, Kellaway, Rayner, Smith and Wilson) voted against: the motion fell.


Cllr Coppinger put forward a motion, seconded by Cllr C Rayner, that the application be approved contrary to the Officer recommendation.  The reason was that the benefits to the community outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and amount to Very Special Circumstances weighing in favour of approving the scheme.  Cllr Coppinger included that conditions and heads of terms to a legal agreement would need to be agreed and the target for doing that should be 4 weeks, which should be delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Lead Members for Planning and Adult Services and Health. The Panel debated the motion.


Twelve Councillors (Cllrs Alexander, Bateson, Burbage, Bicknell, Coppinger, Dr Evans, Hilton, Hunt, Kellaway, Rayner, Smith and Wilson) voted in favour of the motion and there was one abstention (Cllr Beer).


The Panel VOTED to APPROVE the application, subject to an agreement of conditions being delegated to the Head of Planning, Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Lead Members for Adult Services and Health and Planning and for the securing of a Section 106 Agreement and heads of terms to be being agreed within four weeks of the meeting, against the Officer’s recommendation, as the Panel considered the Very Special Circumstances outweighed the harm caused to the Green Belt.


(The Panel was addressed by Margaret Morgan, on behalf of the Ascot and the Sunnings Neighbourhood Plan Delivery Group; Patrick Griffin, on behalf of SPAE; Lesley Hunter, on behalf of the Ascot Community Action Group; Cllr Peter Deason, on behalf of Sunninghill and Ascot Parish Council; Sir Andrew Morris and Simon Bott on behalf of the Frimley Health NHS Trust Foundation; Carol Brooker in support of the application; and by Cllrs Quick, Luxton and Yong.)

Item 2



Heatherwood Hospital, London Road, Ascot SL5 8AA

Change of use from hospital accommodation (Use Class D1) to offices with associated IT hub and staff restaurant (Use Class B1a) and GP Practice (Use Class D1) with associated parking, landscaping, replacement roof top plant, external staircase, temporary car park and demolition of existing walkway.


A recommendation to approve the application, subject to an agreement of conditions being delegated to the Head of Planning in conjunction with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Lead Member for Adult Services and Health and heads of terms being agreed within four weeks of the meeting, was proposed by Cllr Hilton and seconded by Cllr Bicknell.


The Panel VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application, subject to an agreement of conditions being delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Lead Members for Adult Services and Health and  Planning and for the securing of a Section 106 Agreement and heads of terms to be being agreed within four weeks of the meeting, against the Officer’s recommendation, as the Panel considered the Very Special Circumstances outweighed the harm caused to the Green Belt.


(The Panel was addressed by Patrick Griffin on behalf of SPAE and by Sir Andrew Morris on behalf of the Frimley Health NHS Trust Foundation.)

Item 3



Heatherwood Hospital, London Road, Ascot SL5 8AA

Enabling works in association with hybrid application (ref: 16/03115/OUT) and change of use application (ref:

16/03824/FULL) for the redevelopment of Heatherwood Hospital. Enabling works to be site clearance, drainage diversions, services diversions, earthworks, construction of retaining walls, advanced planting and creation of balancing pond.


A recommendation to approve the application, subject to an agreement of conditions being delegated to the Head of Planning in conjunction with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Lead Member for Adult Services and Health and heads of terms being agreed within four weeks of the meeting, was proposed by Cllr Rayner and seconded by Cllr Bicknell.


The Panel VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to APPROVE the application, subject to an agreement of conditions being delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Lead Members for Adult Services and Health and Planning and for the securing of a Section 106 Agreement and heads of terms to be being agreed within four weeks of the meeting, against the Officer’s recommendation, as the Panel considered the Very Special Circumstances outweighed the harm caused to the Green Belt.


(The Panel was addressed by Margaret Morgan, on behalf of the Ascot and the Sunnings Neighbourhood Plan Delivery Group.)


Supporting documents: